The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transsexual Bullies Successfully Censor Feminist Writers Who Criticized Them

News from the competitive victimhood sweepstakes in Great Britain indicates that transsexuals have won the Most Oppressed Group prize, and are now able to demand complete deference. Kathy Shaidle and Donald Douglas have covered this bizarre controversy. To summarize: Suzanne Moore, a columnist for the left-wing Guardian newspaper, published a feminist essay in the New Statesman magazine that included […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.15.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Despite French Airstrikes, Jihadis Continue Advance In Mali Shortage of ground troops makes defense problematic Obama Weighs Executive Action On Guns Nineteen possibilities for executive orders Thousands Rally For Second Day In Islamabad “Last chance to save Pakistan”? POLITICS NY Senate Passes Package Of Tougher Gun Laws Assembly expected […]

Let’s Call It ‘The Doritos Argument’

by Smitty Apparently, this tweet brought me to the attention of some folks on Twitter: #ThingsLiberalsHate Their inability to replace Jesus Christ with something Progressive. — Smitty (D-aft) (@smitty_one_each) January 13, 2013 This triggered some fun back’n’forth: .@jxchristopher The wise keep their treasure beyond IRS range. @imtoridee @justfole — Smitty (D-aft) (@smitty_one_each) January 14, 2013 […]

Lynching Big Red: National Media’s Journalistic Crime Against Steubenville

“Families of Big Red athletes have reported being harassed and threatened. . . . Police increased patrols around city schools after a threat of violence triggered a lockdown. “[Local parent Jackie] Sacripanti said children in the community who had nothing to do with the parties or the alleged rape ‘are being taunted and harassed, just […]

‘Little to Lose for Malicious Actors’

“Our ability to cope with deception in the Internet is poor at best. We cannot readily attribute memes to people, because in the Internet, identities are pseudonyms for influence actors we may never have met. Individuals may have multiple identities and spread memes for their own purposes ignoring any need for truth. The problem lies […]

Obama’s Festival of Lies

Obama press conference: Every word is a lie, including “and” and “the.” #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 14, 2013 The final press conference of Obama’s first term was a masterpiece of mendacity, a Mardi Gras parade of deliberate dishonesty. Liberals are still trying to catch their breath after the excitement of it all. What the […]

Marxism by Any Other Name

Betty Friedan (left) leads a 1971 protest for the Equal Rights Amendment “How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” — Ronald Reagan, 1987 Understanding feminism requires a critical study of the movement’s history that […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.14.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS As French Airstrikes Pound Jihadi Bases, Has The War To Retake Northern Mali Begun? Training camps, infrastructure and logistics bases hit France pledges “short” campaign against jihadis Colin Powell Vigorously Defends Chuck Hagel Also gets in a gratuitous shot at the Tea Party Egyptian Appeals Court Throws Out Mubarak […]

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