The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@DailyPundit, Optimist At Large

Posted on | January 3, 2013 | 4 Comments

by Smitty

But since [the re-election of Rep. Boehner as Speaker] just a squabble over the leadership of the minority faction of the Ruling Party, none of this has a great deal of meaning in the larger scheme of things. No matter who is in charge of the GOP faction, everything will continue to go to hell in the same way it has been going to hell for the past several decades.

I just wonder where Bill gets his supply of rose colored glasses. The #FiscalCliff kabuki was only a 60-day stay of execution for the sequester. Then there is the debt ceiling. If the purpose of the #FiscalCliff, besides thrashing the holidays of all paying attention, was to destroy public interest in paying attention to what these yahoos are doing with the public purse, it was largely successful. Speaker Boehner’s resumption of the gavel was anticlimactic, despite a minority of the peanut gallery stimming itself about unseating him.
From Boehner’s remarks:

Our government has built up too much debt. Our economy is not producing enough jobs. These are not separate problems.
At $16 trillion and rising, our national debt is draining free enterprise and weakening the ship of state.
The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this anchor of debt. Break its hold, and we begin to set our economy free. Jobs will come home. Confidence will come back.

As I was able to Tweet the good speaker for his immediate inattention:


4 Responses to “@DailyPundit, Optimist At Large”

  1. Quartermaster
    January 3rd, 2013 @ 3:41 pm

    The debt is a symptom of the immorality of the American People. Most people admit there is a problem, but no one wants to face the fact that one of the people to blame looks back at them in the mirror. There has never been a people that have been immoral and yet retained their liberty. We are witnessing the last days of the American experiment.

  2. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 3rd, 2013 @ 3:53 pm
  3. Adjoran
    January 4th, 2013 @ 1:48 am

    Boehner has only said the problem is spending a few dozen time over the last two years, so it’s hardly surprising his critics missed it.

    Meanwhile, the minutes from the Fed’s December policy meeting have been released and show a surprising level of skepticism about how long they can keep adding to their $2.9 trillion balance sheet. It seems many members are wondering about potential effects, and the concern isn’t just being expressed by known fiscal hawks like Jeff Lacker of Richmond.

  4. Jackie Wellfonder - Raging Against the Rhetoric – Boehner Blues?
    January 4th, 2013 @ 11:55 am

    […] have the energy. My friends Michael, Becca and Smitty have their take on it here and hereĀ and here. I’m still hearing mixed reviews on Twitter. Some folks are completely outraged that Boehner […]