The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thank You, Everybody! (And Thank God)

Posted on | September 1, 2012 | 10 Comments

STARKE, Florida
This town is infamously the location of Florida State Prison, but don’t worry, I’m not on a chain gang. Spent the night at a Best Western motel here beside Highway 301 and — wow! — I’m impressed with the reader response to my post about the problems with the 2004 KIA Optima. The car’s got 194,000 miles on it, and if it will just get us home . . .

Well, best not to get into contingencies. What happens, happens, and everything happens for a reason, so I won’t worry about “if.”

“If” is the biggest two-letter word in the English language.

A lot of people talk about “stepping out on faith,” but few of them ever actually do it. There is an ad on TV which humorously plays on the role of the mom as having to say “no” to all her children’s requests. Toward the end of the commercial, the woman’s husband asks, “Can I quit my job and start a blog?”

My wife always laughs at that. Yeah.

Anyway . . .

News — I’m supposed to be reporting it, or at least aggregating it. Did you know that Michelle Fields got 86’d at the Daily Caller?

You may remember Michelle as the reporter who got trapped amid the frothing mob of Occupiers when the hippie scum tried to storm the AFP Summit last November.

Why would Tucker Carlson fire her? I dunno. What happens, happens. Jammie Wearing Fools has a great headline today:

Seven Dead From Isaac; Also
Known as a Slow Night in Chicago

Speaking of Chicago — which is, of course, now classified as a racist dog-whistle word, according to Chris Matthews — here’s a story by Elizabeth Harrington of CNS News:

As part of her anti-obesity Let’s Move campaign, First Lady Michelle Obama is now presenting a brief online course: “Supermarket Shopping 101.”The course, which now appears on the website, provides novice shoppers with tips such as “steer clear of the cookie, snack and soda aisle.”
Supermarket Shopping 101: Read This Before You Hit the Grocery Store,” written by Lisa Cericola, was first published among the materials the first lady presented online last week when she was a “guest editor” at Now, it has been republished on the Let’s Move blog.
As previously reported,, which featured Mrs. Obama as a guest editor, also features graphic sex tips, including from prostitutes.

Otherwise known as “a slow night in Chicago.” And speaking of “graphic sex tips . . . from prostitutes” . . .

Forgive me for not knowing the source of that artwork. Somebody “shared” it on Facebook with Ali Akbar, and it was funny: The contrast between GOP congressional candidate Mia Love and Sandra Fluke is rather illuminating, yes?

Well, checkout time at the Best Western is 11 a.m., and we’re already running late, so there is no time to thank everyone individually, but know that you have my gratitude for your contributions to the Shoe Leather Fund. And if you can’t afford to give, your prayers are equally appreciated. This grand experiment in reader-supported journalism requires both money and prayer, and we ought not doubt the power of the latter, because what happens, happens.




10 Responses to “Thank You, Everybody! (And Thank God)”

  1. Taxpayer1234
    September 1st, 2012 @ 11:23 am

    Prayers for your safe return to the family at your Undisclosed Location.

  2. Beto_Ochoa
    September 1st, 2012 @ 11:38 am

    At 194,000 it’s probably the crank or camshaft sensor throwing the timing off. Common failure in Kia engines at that level of service.

  3. Fear and Loathing in a 2004 KIA Optima : The Other McCain
    September 1st, 2012 @ 11:38 am

    […] .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}@import url( );HomeAbout Robert Stacy McCainAbout Smitty The Other McCain"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur KoestlerFear and Loathing in a 2004 KIA OptimaPosted on | August 31, 2012 | 15 CommentsThe National Affairs Desk, McDonald’s in Ocala, 10 p.m., Friday, Aug. 31, 2012OCALA, Florida Ah, the ups and downs of life. Last night I was enjoying the hospitality in a skybox suite at the Republican National Convention. Tonight I’m wondering how I’ll make it home.Ali and I left Tampa about 6 p.m., and everything seemed fine until the car started making a horrible noise and losing power. We stopped and had a mechanic look at it, but the garage was about to close — 7 p.m. on the Friday before Labor Day — and there was no time for a repair. The mechanic diagnosed a problem either with the timing belt or the valves.Can we drive it 900 miles with this problem? The mechanic shrugged. Sometimes, it’s OK. Sometimes, it’s not.Ali said, “Let’s go. We can make it.”Misery. Horror. Stress. Driving a car that’s obviously if need of expensive repairs, hundreds of miles from home, bone-tired after five days of convention coverage — and yeah, the bank balance isn’t looking too good, either.I called my wife, cussing about this unexpected misfortune. Mrs. Other McCain suggested I stop cussing and start praying.Good advice. I called Smitty. He was boarding a plane, preparing to travel to Germany with his wife and the World’s Youngest Blogger for a visit with his German in-laws. While we drove north up I-75, I called Zilla of the Resistance, and she was kind enough to put up a post asking for prayers and, of course, the Five Most Important Words in the English Language: Hit the freaking tip jar.We’ve so far made it about 100 miles, but the psychological strain on top of the exhaustion — as I said to Ali, “Woodward and Bernstein didn’t have to deal with this kind of crap.” Neither, for that matter, do my close personal friends Brett Baier and Megyn Kelly, but never mind . . .We’ll drive another hundred miles or so tonight and then find a motel. Your prayers are most earnestly requested. And your contributions to the Shoe Leather Fund are most sincerely appreciated.UPDATE: Ali describes his GOP convention experience.UPDATE II: Now linked by Da Tech Guy, William Hoge, Evil Blogger Lady, Bill Quick at Daily Pundit and Bob Belvedere at the Camp of the Saints.Thank You, Everybody! (And Thank God)  […]

  4. Zilla of the Resistance
    September 1st, 2012 @ 12:34 pm

    I’m happy to see you in better spirits today, Stacy, and I’m glad that I was able to help you. I hope the rest of your journey goes smoothly and that you’ll be safe and happy at home again soon.

  5. Michelle Obama Wants to Teach You How to Grocery Shop | The Lonely Conservative
    September 1st, 2012 @ 1:09 pm

    […] stock fresh, whole foods that should comprise the bulk of your shopping list.” (Read More)H/T The Other McCain, who may or may not be stranded somewhere in north Florida.google_ad_client = […]

  6. Dianna Deeley
    September 1st, 2012 @ 3:10 pm

    I didn’t see this until just now – I wasn’t on line yesterday evening and I didn’t wake up until 11, etc. etc. etc. & co.; but prayers and a small contribution going up.

  7. richard mcenroe
    September 1st, 2012 @ 5:22 pm

    Howcum Stacy hasn’t said anything about those suspicious antler marks on the hood?

  8. Picture of the day: Responsibility vs. Entitlement | Jill Stanek
    September 3rd, 2012 @ 6:01 am

    […] candidate of Utah, Mia Love, and poor Sandra Fluke of I-want-free-birth control fame, The Other McCain, September 1 Share Sep.03, 2012 6:00 am | Quote of the Day […]

  9. A Fool's Game
    September 4th, 2012 @ 10:16 am

    I’m not a big believer in the power of prayer, based on my own experience, but you’ll have my prayers anyway.

  10. Succinct | Darth Chipmunk
    September 8th, 2012 @ 8:51 pm

    […] The Other McCain Share this: This entry was posted in Government/Politics, Society and tagged Conservatives, Govt […]