The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Objectively, Todd Akin Is Doomed

Got offline for a few hours during which, among other things, I discussed the Todd Akin situation by phone with a couple of people. A point I made: This isn’t “Macaca” — it’s not as if the Left ginned up a controversy over a ridiculous bit of nothing. And another point: Compared to this, Trent Lott’s […]

Report: Republican Todd Akin Will Withdraw From Missouri Senate Race

Ace of Spades reports that both Erick Erickson and Richard Grinnell are saying on Twitter that Akin will exit the campaign. The furor over Akin’s remarks about “legitimate rape” — as Michelle Malkin calls it, “The Todd Akin Mess” — currently accounts for the top 23 threads on Memeorandum. UPDATE: This horrible botch can be blamed […]

‘Because Truth Is an Absolute Defense’

The quoted phrase from the Moore v. Hoff ruling should be drilled into the head of every blogger, as it was drilled into my head years ago as a beginning reporter. How many times did my editors tell me, “Get your facts right, and they can’t touch you”? An editor has a moral obligation to defend at […]

The Truth Goes Viral Again: Progressive Labor Leader Speaks Explicitly About Occupy Movement’s Communist Goals

Leadership Institute intern Danielle Saul got video inside an Occupy DC meeting Sunday where union activist Mike Golash said: “Progressive Labor is a revolutionary communist organization. Its objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism. . . . An organization has to be built which can bring […]

Memo to Code Pink: Perhaps You Have Misunderstood the ‘Pussy Riot’ Concept

“. . . the last remains of social order will speedily perish, and society will be overwhelmed in savage anarchy.” Pussy Riot is an all-female Russian rock band whose members were sentenced to prison for a protest against Vladimir Putin. It is my theory that Glenn Reynolds keeps writing about their case not merely because of […]

Todd Akin And Amendment 2.5

by Smitty One of those people you really don’t want to upset, Dana Loesch, is truly hacked off at those assailing Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin: Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin appeared on a local St. Louis television show (below) and discussed his thoughts on abortion, even in the instance of rape or incest, which […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.20.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Former CCP Boss’ Wife Given Suspended Death Sentence Given fourteen years in poisoning of British businessman Assad Prays In Rare Appearance As Syrian Civil War Rages On Attendance at Eid prayers televised Mitt Romney Goes To Church With The Media Perhaps the only article on this without the “Mormons […]

Neal Rauhauser Again? Yet Another Conspiracy Theory Smear Emerges

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference When last we encountered Neal Rauhauser, the “TwitterGate” instigator and Brett Kimberlin associate was e-mailing false and defamatory claims about Brandon Darby to public officials, including law enforcement agencies and members of Congress. There was a remarkable resemblance between Rauhauser’s crazytalk smear of Darby and […]

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