The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

UPDATE: 7 Standing Ovations for Cain; Vultures Circle Perry’s ‘Sunshine Special’?

Posted on | September 24, 2011 | 20 Comments

Supporters greet Herman Cain’s bus in Orlando.(Photo: Katrina Trinko)

Last night I talked to Sarah Rumpf, the “Sunshine State Sarah” blogger who is a delegate to the Florida GOP gathering in Orlando that will announce the results of a crucial straw-poll vote this afternoon.

Sarah was eager to tell me about how state Rep. Scott Plakon, chosen as Florida “Legislator of the Year” by Americans for Prosperity, had decided to endorse Herman Cain after Thursday’s debate. I re-Tweeted her news, but didn’t jump right on doing a blog about it, because it didn’t seem like any kind of gigantic shocking exclusive.

Well, stupid me! Here’s Byron York’s scoop from Orlando:

There’s no scientific polling, but talks with dozens of delegates who will vote in today’s Florida straw poll suggest that many are making last-minute decisions to vote for Herman Cain.
What seems to be happening is this: A lot of delegates came to Orlando planning to vote for Rick Perry. But Perry’s poor performance at Thursday night’s Fox News-Google debate gave them pause and re-opened the question of whom they will support. And many of the conservatives who were attracted to Perry will, when asked for a second choice, naturally gravitate to Cain, who, it just happens, had a particularly good debate on Thursday. So with Perry not commanding the loyalty he did just 48 hours ago, Cain appears to be picking up support.

Wow, did I completely miss an exclusive or what? York’s account closely matches what Sarah told me last night: Perry’s supporters at the GOP event seemed demoralized Friday, while Cain’s supporters were fired up.

We don’t yet know how this will translate to straw-poll votes — the result will be announced about 5 p.m. ET today — but I’m kicking myself for not going with Sarah’s report when she first told me about it.

UPDATE: My friend Ruth Malhotra also reports from Orlando:

This is significant in that Malhotra is a longtime Romney supporter, so if she’s seeing a shift toward Cain, that’s basically objective.

UPDATE II: Katrina Trinko of National Review reports from Orlando:

Allahpundit notes an ironic point:

If [Rick Perry] done well at the debate, this straw poll wouldn’t even be worth blogging: Romney’s not actively competing (although he’ll be on the ballot) whereas Perry’s spent a bunch of money to make a splash in a crucial primary state.

And speaking at a breakfast meeting this morning, Perry actually raised the stakes: “I have all my hopes on Florida.”

Why am I reminded of Ed Muskie and the “Sunshine Special”?

UPDATE III: Press release from the Cain campaign:

For Immediate Release:
Saturday, September 24, 2011

For More Information:
Ellen Carmichael, (678) 601-2772

Plakon Endorses Cain
(Orlando, FL)- Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain received the endorsement of Florida state representative and noted conservative leader Scott Plakon today in a room of more than 1,000 supporters at the Rosen Center in Orlando, Fla.
Plakon, who represents Florida’s 27th district, was named the Americans for Prosperity- Florida Legislator of Year in 2011 and is known for his sponsorship of Florida’s Healthcare and Freedom Act.
Cain has been widely touted as the winner of last night’s Fox News/ Google/ RPOF debate in Orlando. He addressed CPAC Florida today and continued on his nationwide bus tour throughout the Sunshine State.

Dave Weigel: “The shadows of vultures have been all over the Perry campaign since the debate.”


20 Responses to “CAIN-MANIA IN ORLANDO?
UPDATE: 7 Standing Ovations for Cain; Vultures Circle Perry’s ‘Sunshine Special’?”

  1. Bob Belvedere
    September 24th, 2011 @ 6:16 pm

    As Spock would say: Fascinating.

  2. Adjoran
    September 24th, 2011 @ 6:55 pm

    Anything can happen, and usually does.

    At this point in the last cycle, the leaders in Florida were Giuliani and Fred Thompson.  Breaking out to an early lead doesn’t necessarily work out in politics.  For instance, Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll only six weeks ago today, and is now well on her way to “Michelle Who?” status (if not an institution).

  3. Sarah Rumpf
    September 24th, 2011 @ 6:58 pm
  4. carder
    September 24th, 2011 @ 7:51 pm

    I’ve been taking the Tea party pulse here in Orlando.  I’ll confirm what Sarah said. As far Tea Party’s concerned, Cain’s got their support.  

    I was at the Tea Party reception last night and Rick Santorum stopped by unannounced. He did a marvelous job of addressing the group and speaking candidly.  Put it this way: Two of my buddies are now seriously considering voting for Santorum, even though Cain was their first choice.

    If Cain runs away with this, it will show that the Florida Tea Party Movement has a definite say in what goes down November 2012. 

    Infiltration at its finest.  

  5. Joe
    September 24th, 2011 @ 7:53 pm

    I would love Cain as the nominee.  I think it would really be amazing and it would awaken just how much bullshit the Dems and Liberals have been spreading.  It would be great for conservatism. 

    But I recognize that as a long shot.  That is fine.  Everyone running for president is a long shot and those who were “next in line” or “earned it because of years of service” often times do not win. 

    I want Cain to be listened to and heard.  The more Cain the better.  This is all win win. 

  6. jwallin
    September 24th, 2011 @ 7:56 pm

    7 standing O’s? They must’ve wanted to lynch him or something.


  7. Anonymous
    September 24th, 2011 @ 8:15 pm

    Herman Cain is a proven Conservative who is honest and
    has no trouble telling people the truth.

    Herman Cain is the guy that we should be getting behind for President!

    Conservatives talk a lot about how they are all upset that Washington is filled
    with do nothing politicians who have never accomplished anything in their lives
    besides going to law school and winning a few elections. However, now we have
    somebody who is not only qualified to be President, but is not a politician.
    Has not been sullied by the stink of focus grouping, polling, and pleasing

    We now have a chance to elect a true Conservative, somebody who fits the mold
    of the founding fathers…not a politician, but a citizen soldier.

  8. Anonymous
    September 24th, 2011 @ 8:25 pm

    The key thing here is whether the delegates voting in the straw poll are in a mood to “send ’em a message,” as a certain populist liked to say. A vote for Herman Cain would be a thumb in the eye of the GOP Establishment, a message of grassroots discontent that the party hierarchy could not ignore.

  9. ThePaganTemple
    September 24th, 2011 @ 8:29 pm

    My only question is, will he treat Obama with the respect the office of the President deserves, or will he rip into him and tear him a new asshole. Anybody that does the latter, and can be counted on to continue doing the latter, has my support.

  10. Joe
    September 24th, 2011 @ 8:53 pm

    Plus it is for a good guy who would (if they gave him a chance) be a very viable and competitive candidate against Obama. 

  11. 2012 presidential scoreboard update « Don Surber
    September 24th, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    […] thins out, his fortunes may rise — especially as the two top conservatives thrash around. Robert Stacy McCain and Byron York say he is picking up support from Rick Perry supporters who were dismayed by […]

  12. 2012 presidential scoreboard update « Don Surber
    September 24th, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    […] thins out, his fortunes may rise — especially as the two top conservatives thrash around. Robert Stacy McCain and Byron York say he is picking up support from Rick Perry supporters who were dismayed by […]

  13. Bob’s Musings: Saturday Night’s Alright For Blogging « The Camp Of The Saints
    September 24th, 2011 @ 5:31 pm

    […] a post today, Stacy reports on an interesting shift in candidate support that may be talking place, at the very least in Florida.  He quotes from a […]

  14. Anonymous
    September 24th, 2011 @ 9:47 pm

    Your Congressional Black Caucus imitation is spot-on, good sir.

  15. ORLANDO GOP STRAW POLL RESULTS UPDATE: Herman Cain Beats Rick Perry : The Other McCain
    September 24th, 2011 @ 6:14 pm

    […] embarrassment for Perry,” says Allapundit.EXPECT FURTHER UPDATES . . .PREVIOUSLY:Sept. 24: CAIN-MANIA IN ORLANDO? UPDATE: 7 Standing Ovations for Cain; Vultures Circle Perry’s ‘Sunshine S…Sept. 23: Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Republican Nightmare Campaign TourSept. 23: RICK […]

  16. Carla Giampaglia
    September 24th, 2011 @ 10:45 pm

    I hope American’s can forget the party issues and realize that Herman Cain will be good for our country in many ways. Although conservative, our primary issues are not about conservatism at this time in terms of things other than financial, Herman Cain is someone with the know-how to put this country back together financially and I feel he is just  the man to stand up to the Washington power brokers and take charge of a crumbling nation.

  17. » Herman Cain wins FL straw poll
    September 24th, 2011 @ 6:57 pm

    […] Washington Examiner, Don Surber, The Other McCain, The Impolitic, Hot Air, Politics, Fox News, Sunshine State Sarah, Booman Tribune, Gretawire, […]

  18. Whoa! Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll « Nice Deb
    September 24th, 2011 @ 8:33 pm

    […] Stacy’s been blogging about Cain, all day. While I was Oktoberfest,  he was reporting this, earlier, today:  CAIN-MANIA IN ORLANDO? UPDATE: 7 Standing Ovations for Cain; Vultures Circle Perry’s ‘Sunshine … […]

  19. A Single Voice » Blog Archive » The Midnight Train to Georgia (or, “All Aboard the Cain Train”)
    September 27th, 2011 @ 9:10 am

    […] Perry or Romney came close to victory. At 37%, Cain took an overwhelming win in the straw poll. As noted by The Other McCain, the switch for many people happened after the debate. Perry’s weak performance turned many supporters into Cain fanatics. Robert Stacy McCain  […]

  20. Herman Cain Rhymes With Hurricane: Fund-Raising Surges in Third Quarter : The Other McCain
    October 1st, 2011 @ 4:24 pm

    […] Hero to ZeroSept. 24: ORLANDO GOP STRAW POLL RESULTS UPDATE: Herman Cain Beats Rick PerrySept. 24: CAIN-MANIA IN ORLANDO? UPDATE: 7 Standing Ovations for Cain; Vultures Circle Perry’s ‘Sunshine S…Sept. 23: Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Republican Nightmare Campaign TourSept. 23: RICK […]