The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

And Now, Zappa

by Smitty Insty links NBC Washington: Cocaine use in the District was also high. The survey says that while D.C. residents age 17 and under reported some of the lowest cocaine use in the country, District adults were among the top coke users in the United States, with 3.78 percent of residents saying they had […]

Pelosi to Dems: ‘Vote Your Conscience’

But Nancy, if they had a conscience, they wouldn’t be Democrats! OK, beyond the cheap snark, here’s a EuroNews video report, which you may enjoy merely for the narrator’s accent: Notice that even this lady with the weird foreign accent blames it all on “Republican right-wing Tea Party supporters.” And via Memeorandum and Breitbart, here’s […]

Democrats? Cynical? You Don’t Say!

“You can blame the whole mess on cynical Democrats like Harry Reid, who could have raised the debt ceiling while in control of Congress last year. But they simply didn’t want to, preferring to play politics with the nation’s finances instead.” — The Rhetorican, “A debt deal has been reached”

An Obama Lexicon

For those who are not yet fluent in Obama-ese: compromise – (1) verb – [when applied to Republicans] to surrender; (2) verb – [when applied to Democrats] to pretend to negotiate lead – verb – to provide a plan plan – (1) noun – teleprompted platitudes unencumbered by specific goals or means of execution; (2) […]

Krugman, STFU!

by Smitty Sitting There Feeling Useless sits Paul Krugman, unable to grasp that the American people aren’t buying his swill. The worst thing you can do in these circumstances is slash government spending, since that will depress the economy even further. Can you not grasp reality, man? Government Spending Triggers Fiscal Undertows. Only somebody with […]

Congress Expected to Vote on Debt Deal Today; Left, Right Spin It in Blame Game

Spin filters into the news at CNN: The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are expected to vote Monday on a deal to raise the debt ceiling and cut the deficit, a compromise that President Barack Obama and leaders in Congress reached on Sunday night. The votes come one day before the United States faced […]

Jimmie Bise, Sax Machine At Large

by Smitty Coaxed a photo of Jimmie sporting the brass while on Twitter last night: Also, Mr. Bise is a blogger of no mean repute. But you probably already knew that. Did I mention that his podcast also rocks hard? Truly a superior blogger, that Bise.

LIVE AT FIVE – 08.01.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS President, Speaker Agree On Debt Deal Agreement has $900 billion increase in debt limit, $1 trillion in spending cuts, but can it pass Congress? Asian Shares Rise On Debt Agreement Yen, Swiss Franc Slide On Debt Deal News Oil Futures Up In Electronic Trading Germany Calls For UN Security […]

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