The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Who’s Getting Rich in California?

Government employees, that’s who! Orange County’s nearly-three-dozen city managers were paid a total of $9.6 million last year, according to data in a recent grand jury report on city compensation. That’s 34 big cheese municipal executives earning an average $281,699 each, including $207,808 in salary and $73,891 in benefits. A dozen of them earned more […]

Let’s Celebrate the Debt Deal!

“I stand here in abject stupefaction. The so-called ‘right’ or ‘Tea Party’ in this republic is being so thoroughly rolled and defeated that I am struggling to come up with an adequate violent submission metaphor that does not involve prison rape . . .” — Ann Barnhardt , American Thinker

Ramen In The Jell-O Makes It Easier To Nail To The Wall

by Smitty Some ramen noodles, orange Jell-O, nails, and a plank; that’s my visual representation of the professional output of one of Maryland’s finest, Steny Hoyer. After riding shotgun in the clown car that was the Congress That Shall Live In Infamy, Hoyer sports the stones to wonder aloud if the butt hurt over passing […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 08.02.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Senate Likely To Pass Debt Limit Bill Shortly After Noon Today Bill virtually assured of passage with bipartisan backing from McConnell, Reid after Boehner, Cantor and Pelosi get bill through the House yesterday GOP Piles On VP Biden For Calling Them “Terrorists” Human Rights Groups Says 24 Killed, 150 […]

Give An Over-Reaching Government A Sales Tax: What Could Go Wrong?

by Smitty Ace toys with the notion of a national sales tax. Let’s put it like this. Once upon a time, a certain uncle had too much crap. He had houses, boats, cars, furniture, businesses, sweethearts, the works. Managing all the crap was a significant burden, with all of the insurance, maintenance, travel time, licensing, […]

House Passes Debt Deal 269-161

The latest news: The House on Monday approved bipartisan legislation to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and reduce long-term budget deficits, endorsing the agreement President Obama struck with Republican leaders. . . . The bill now heads for a Tuesday vote in the Senate . . . The vote was 269-161, as Republicans largely […]

Extremist Ad Hints That Non-Union Control Of Schools Might Be Good

by Smitty What a jacked-up pile of crazy talk this is: I mean, really: parents having any say about schools? How regressive a notion is that? To top it off, if you read Luther Olsen’s bio page, he has six kids. Clearly a conservative Gaia-hater, committed to ensuring his progeny upset the Progressive fair-adise that […]

Rule 5 Monday

— compiled by Wombat-socho Welcome to Bring The Heat, Bring The Stupid, who makes his Rule 5 debut here with some nice pix of Connie Britton! Also, Hookers and Booze, who didn’t include a link to a specific post, so I just went over and snarfed one. Next week you gotta bring your own, though! […]

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