The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pamela Geller Denounced by Notorious Sock Puppeteer Glenn Greenwald

“Any media outlet that gives air time to Pam Geller . . . is disgraceful,” says the man who has spent years covering himself with disgrace and yet frequently gets air time on MSNBC. Joe Fein has more at Valley of the Shadow. Meanwhile, ignoring the Greenwald fatwa, Geller rolls out her new book.

How to Prevent Economic Growth

“Tax cuts do not . . . create jobs . . . When we do not ask the super rich and the corporations who make billions of dollars of profits off of the American economy [for more taxes], we will not have the funds to keep that engine running . . . to make sure […]

Again, Zappa

by Smitty Via Hot Air, there is the Debbie Wasserman-Shultz at Real Clear Politics, desperately hoping to perform a modern miracle on the economy through repetition. “Well, we’re going to focus on what we know is the number one priorities on Americans ease minds right now, that is creating jobs and continuing to get this […]

Michele Bachmann Touts ‘No’ Vote on Debt Ceiling Deal in Latest Iowa TV Ad

DES MOINES, Iowa While watching TV news in my motel this morning, I saw a Michele Bachmann ad, aimed directly at getting her supporters out to next week’s Ames Straw Poll: It’s a good ad: She slams Washington “politicians,” blames the bad economy on Obama, says, “Someone needs to say no,” and closes with an invitation […]

Three Big Advantages To Emailing Pictures Of Your Junk

by Smitty The dour old Daily Pundit doesn’t really see what a big plus junk photos can be: They can give you a sense of power. In a Progressive America, where notions of liberty have been supplanted by sexual license, it’s important that teenagers and politicians alike (insofar as you can tell the two categories […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 08.04.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama Turns 50th Birthday Into Fundraiser But of course. UN Security Council Condemns Syria Crackdown Russia, PRC finally agree to statement after 120 killed by security forces Related: Assad Decrees Multi-party System Iraq Signals Willingness To Keep US Troops Multi-party deal would keep about 10,000 troops in Iraq for […]

Shoot Not The Messenger: Rather, Laugh

by Smitty Krauthammer from Fox All Stars: On President Obama’s proposed job-creation initiatives: An index of how spent he is intellectually on the issue of jobs is the campaign speech he gave today – the fourth in ten days in which he pivoted and he announced five initiatives. Listen to them: – Payroll tax extension […]

‘Neo-Confederate Sex Panic’ Becomes the Biggest Political Punchline of the Year?

DES MOINES, Iowa Little did I suspect this morning when I boarded my flight at Reagan National that, by the time I reached Iowa, the nation would be deep in the grip of a hitherto unknown political fever: Neo-Confederate Sex Panic! “It was like the secessionists .. . Even as [Obama] was being inaugurated, the […]

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