On the Scene in Iowa
DES MOINES, Iowa — Friday, I visited the Iowa HQs of the Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain presidential campaigns, and then attended a Christian music festival in West Des Moines where Bachmann spoke. Bachmann poses for a photo with a boy and his frog. Bachmann poses for a photo with a family. The man in […]
Hacking Our Way To Smaller Government
by Smitty Via Insty, MIT’s Technology Review points to a McAfee article about governments getting hacked. The attacks stretch back almost five years, and ranged in duration from one month to 28 months. They affected 32 types of organizations, including government agencies and defense, construction, information technology, and accounting firms. McAfee believes the attacks were […]
Ann Hathaway As Catwoman: Dooming Me To Purrdition?
by Smitty Could Hathaway tempt me into actually watching a Batman flick? The answer is probably no, but it’s still a worthy effort. (h/t What Would Tyler Durden Do?)
VIDEO: Bachmann Demands Resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
DES MOINES, Iowa — As reported last night at The American Spectator and at Libertarian Republican, here is video of Bachmann’s statement: The text of Bachmann’s statement: “Tonight’s decision by S&P to downgrade our credit rating to AA+ is a historically significant and serious event for the United States. The United States has had a […]
Fair-adise Lost, Ezra Klein Edition
by Smitty In the Pagan Progressive Pantheon, Fairness is a minor, throw-away deity to whom random, cost-free appeal can be made. Preston at The PJ Tatler gives us Rick Santelli schooling ueber-knob Ezra Klein: “Moving money around in ways that are unfair,” Ezra? Really? That’s what you’re going with? The left’s focus on “fairness” led […]
Obama: “You Mean The Economy Isn’t Like Batteries, And AA Is Bigger?”
by Smitty Hey, if BHO gets the credit for bin Laden, he gets the blame for the downgrade. Particulary ironic in light of the recent 14th Amendment whining about the validity of U.S. debt. Not the same thing, sure, but a finely related twist. If there is any good news here, it is that the […]
Schadenancy Pelosifreude
by Smitty STILLTOOHOTANDBAD, KUWAIT–Even halfway around the world, Nancy Pelosi’s policies look like something cooked up by an air-headed, talentless daddy’s girl whose position was bought with a rich hubby’s money. Sissy Willis on Twitter points to Fox News: House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s four-year effort to “Green the Capitol” is officially no-more, having been […]
Fear and Loathing at the Quality Inn
DES MOINES, Iowa Just got off the phone with Dale Peterson, who’s meeting with agriculture groups — including the Iowa Turkey Federation — on behalf of the Herman Cain campaign today. Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out the logistics for the rest of my trip. Right now, I’m staying at the Quality Inn downtown, which […]
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