The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Boys Go Crazy

— compiled by Wombat-socho “That Evil Hour …” Mangy Redbone Hound Rhetorican Da Tech Guy The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Conservative Commune Instapundit World’s Only Rational Man Conservative Lesbian Dustbury Point Of A Gun I … See … Crazy People That Mr. G Guy Da Tech Guy Conservative Commune Threedonia Obi`s Sister Da […]

As The Details Worsen, ‘Fast and Furious’ Becomes Dem. Party’s Trip To Jonestown

by Smitty Doug Ross offers an excellent summary of the whole fandango. I still maintain that, as this scandal is rolled out, either it or the threat of it running its course will be the real reason for Obama to resign. The Dems, especially Invertebrate Harry in the Senate, have got to see BHO as […]

Rick Santorum’s Iowa Barn Party

ROLAND, Iowa Rick Santorum just finished doing a “barn party” here at the home of Scott and Susan Hurd. While I have no firm estimate of how many eligible voters were in attendance, I can state officially that the number of kids was ginormous. Lots of big home-schooling families showed up — families with seven, eight, […]

Another Memeorandum Juxtaposition

by Smitty Love it: Hey, Salon: spending any time denying BHO’s weakness triggers the Streisand Effect, and calls attention to the fact that BHO is the first POTUS whose VP appears to be packing more heat. And, if not for ObamaCare, and Government Motors, and offshore drilling, and the failed stimulus, I’d be tempted to […]

Your Motto Is ‘Forward’, Knucklehead

by Smitty Somebody tell this twerp on video over at Althouse’s site that Wisonsin’s motto is ‘Forward’. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS is the motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia. One is tempted to say that the public sector unions are behaving tyrannically in Wisconsin, but that gives the unions too much credit. They’re behaving in an […]

‘Streets’ and ‘Avenues’ in Rural Iowa

ROLAND, Iowa Rick Santorum’s schedule lists the address for his event this afternoon as 3275 400th Street. The Google Map directions to this location directed me to turn left onto 570th Avenue – which is a dirt road that runs between two cornfields. And after going a mile and a half, then I was directed […]

Detective Paco On The Border

by Smitty A fine break from whatever you were doing: Psychologists will tell you that people, when faced with a threatening situation, react instinctively: either “fight or flight”. What they overlook is the not inconsiderable number of human beings who are occasionally overwhelmed with a desire to shrink to the size of a dime and […]

I Got Iowa, They Got the Virgin Islands

DES MOINES — While I was rattling the tip-jar to pay for my Iowa trip, Democrats were spending your tax dollars on tropical vacations: A nonprofit backed by U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.) spent more than $2 million in federal funds to provide environmental education to Philadelphia high school students — including trips to […]

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