Precedents Worth Nurturing
by Smitty Insty links The Hill discussing snuffing the Department of Transportation. Appearing late last week on a radio show in his home state, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) agreed with the host of the program that the DOT was a “middleman” in transportation projects that can be done without. “Well, I think there are some […]
Sarah’s Coming to Iowa
NEWTON, Iowa Tuesday, I met with Peter Singleton and Michelle McCormick of Iowa for Palin. And during our conversation, Peter kept referring to “when” Sarah Palin gets into the 2012 campaign. All the pundits have concluded that she’s not running, but . . . well, it’s Sarah Palin we’re talking about, so never say never: […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 08.11.11
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS US Widens Sanctions On Syria, UNSC Meets Largest bank and telco in Syria proscribed as attacks on protesters continue Dougherty Gang Captured In Colorado Week-long chase of Florida trio ends in crash south of Pueblo Stocks Take Another Dive Worldwide Worries about French debt, pessimism about US economy crush […]
Mitt Romney Comes to Des Moines, Attracts Massive Media Coverage
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at a fundraiser for the Polk County Republican Party. DES MOINES, Iowa Wow — what a crowd! I just got through covering Mitt Romney’s speech to a fundraiser for the Polk County GOP, and it was kind of eye-opening to see how much more media coverage the national front-runner […]
Connect These Dots
by Smitty Maggieby’s Farm: “The breakdown of the family lies behind all other urban dysfunction.” Althouse: “So, there’s this petition going around asking that Bert and Ernie — yes, the yellow and orange dudes from Sesame Street — get gay married.” The Progressive is the political equivalent of the stereotypical unethical used car salesmen. You […]
We Can See The Tell: ‘The Riots Did Not Have A Political Motivation’
by Smitty Daily Pundit links Taylor at Outside the Beltway on the British riots in what is yet another willful attempt at non-analysis: As best I can tell, the riots did not have a political motivation (the spark/excuse was the police shooting a suspect) and the general tenor appears to be wanton criminality rather than […]
Iowa Notebook: Romney Coming to Town; Pawlenty and the ‘Plausible Chance’ Trick
DES MOINES, Iowa Mitt Romney will be the featured guest at a “Road to the White House Republican House Party” in Des Moines this evening. That starts at 5 p.m. and then at 7 p.m. Tim Pawlenty has a rally in Ames. It’s a 45-minute drive from Des Moines to Ames, so as long as […]
Will Scott Be A Gentle Walker Into That Black Knight?
by Smitty Alan Colmes: “Wisconsin Democrats Still Vow To Recall Governor Scott Walker” Wisconsin unions: “Come back here, Governor Walker, and I’ll bite your leg off!”
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