The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Irony Alert: Meghan McCain Criticizes Sarah Palin for ‘Attention-Seeking Antics’

New idiocy frrom the world’s dumbest dumb blonde: Much of Sarah Palin’s allure seems to fade by each passing talking point of Michele Bachmann’s that goes viral. And with each passing day, Sarah Palin looks more and more like a confused woman who can’t decide which way to go. The last thing our country needs […]

Canadian Bus Devours President, Eh?

by Smitty (via Fire Jim Moran) As reported in the New York Post, emphasis mine: The feds bought the two coaches for $2.2 million from Hemphill Brothers Coach, based in Tennessee. It installed custom interior upgrades into the Prevost shell, which accounted for about half the cost. The contract lists the country of origin as […]

‘Firebagger Lefty Blogosphere’

The reality that President Obama is seeking re-election while the left wing of his party is profoundly disillusioned hit home last week at the Iowa State Fair when I watched DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz get heckled off stage by angry progressives. And Obama’s re-election campaign staff isn’t helping their boss much. New Mexico OFA state […]

Herman Cain ‘Common Sense Solutions’ Bus Tour Heads to New Hampshire Friday

While the incumbent is running around the Midwest blaming the Tea Party for unemployment, Herman Cain gets ready to head to the Granite State and talk about how jobs are really created. Here’s the press release from the Cain campaign: Cain Announces New Hampshire Stops of “Common Sense Solutions” Bus Tour (Stockbridge, GA)- Republican presidential […]

Scapegoater-in-Chief: President Obama Blames Tea Party for High Unemployment

Some have called it the “Magical Misery Tour,” and the allusion to the Beatles’ psychedelic phase is quite apt, because Obama must be tripping: President Barack Obama accused Republican Tea Party activists of holding back the economic recovery Tuesday, hiking pressure on Congress to pass his yet-to-be unveiled jobs plan. On the second day of […]

Michelle Goldberg and ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Evangelicalism’

Da Tech Guy yesterday made passing reference to something I had previously noticed but chosen to ignore: Michelle Goldberg’s article at the Daily Beast warning that both Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry are in league with “some of America’s most radical theocrats.” Can we just call this what it is, namely fear-mongering and bigotry against devout […]

‘Cold-Blooded Kindness’ By Barbara Oakley: A Provocative Read

by Smitty Barbara Oakley’s book, “Cold-Blooded Kindness” is an excellent read for those with the courage to have their ideas challenged. The subject matter is disturbing. Carole Alden murdered Marty Sessions. After that, the case sinks into a modern swamp of ambiguity. The killer, victim, and setting are straight out of Jerry Springer. In reviewing […]

The Seasteading Concept Is All Fun And Games Until Reality Intrudes

by Smitty (via Althouse) The idea is for these countries to start from scratch–free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place. Ocean Engineering ain’t beanbag, but it can be done. The only way this has much of a chance is if it goes Swiss, and does a lot of very discreet […]

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