VIDEO: Obama in His Own Words
“You see, you see, we Democrats have a very different measure of what constitutes progress in this country. We measure progress by how many people can find a job that pays the mortgage, whether you can put a little extra money away at the end of each month so you can someday watch your child […]
All You Need To Know About Why McConnell’s Plan Is A Soup Sandwich
by Smitty (h/t Memeorandum) Harry Reid thinks it’s swell. “He spent a great deal of time working on this. I commend him for his thoughtful and unique proposal, something that we have to look at very closely,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said on the Senate floor. “I’m heartened by what I read. This is a […]
Radtke Reports 2nd Quarter Fundraising Numbers for Virginia Senate Campaign
Jamie Radtke is the Tea Party candidate in next year’s Republican primary for the Virginia seat being vacated by the retirement of one-term Democratic Sen. Jim Webb. Her biggest obstacle is overcoming the GOP Establishment’s support for former Sen. George Allen. While many conservatives know and admire Allen personally, Radtke’s grassroots campaign offers an opportunity […]
Of Course, There Will Be No QE3
by Smitty Ed Morrissey at Hot Air seems to think that there will be another round of quantitative easing, but then explains why it won’t happen: The “era of easy money” will have to come to an end at some point. As QE2 demonstrated, Fed monetary policy at the extreme of “easiness” has almost no […]
Justin Elliott’s Lefty Math Calculation: Gov. Rick Perry Is A Bad Confederate Man
by Smitty Let me save you some self-abuse and summarize a post at Sal(ivati)on. A 1998 voting guide published by a leading neoconfederate group and obtained by Salon not only endorses Perry for lieutenant governor, it also describes him as “a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.” . . . In the late 1990s […]
Jim Hanson On Afghanistan, With A Side Of Military Voting
by Smitty Check out His Badness, Jim Hanson, of BlackFive fame: Hanson’s a frequent visitor on RT, rapping with Alyona on various topics. I’m only endorsing Hanson himself, while not actually saying whether or not Hanson’s remarks reflect any ground truth. Dunno. One side effect of the Surge Recover in Afghanistan is that there will […]
They Told Me If I Voted For McCain, Minorities Would Be Thrashed And Denied Justice, And They Were Right!
by Smitty Workin’ hard, tryin’ to be surprised that Kenneth Gladney received a legal thrashing to match the physical one. No mention at Big Journalism, but if there is a fund to appeal this case, I should like to hear about it. What is going on in St. Louis? The comments mention Casey Anthony. Has […]
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz E-Mails Me
Once you sign up for any liberal e-mail list, you’re going to get e-mails from all of them, and this one came from the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee: Friend — My first campaign made me an organizer. Every day, through a hot Florida summer, I knocked on doors and asked my neighbors for […]
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