The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Stirring the Feminist Cauldron

“Potential Rapist Syndrome is a mind virus infecting the brains of put-upon feminists all over America and Sweden. The slightest effrontery by a man not immediately deemed a charismatic alpha male by the woman victim causes the virus to multiply rapidly, resulting in flawed reasoning that imputes the worst possible motives to innocuous, if unattractively […]

The Arroyo Is In Production

by Smitty Many rail about the decay of American culture and politics. A few set about doing something. Declaration Entertainment is one of the better examples of getting it done. I have supported it since inception, hope you do too, and eagerly await the first product.

Jimmie Bise Jr. Is a Great Blogger

He especially excels at blowing up Stupid Blogging Advice: Wow. All I have to do to build a “million dollar” blog is follow a short list of non-specific platitudes? Well thanks, Daily Blog Tips, for that! What tremendous value your guest blogger has added to my life and career! You should read the whole thing […]

‘All This Is About Who Gets the Blame.’

by Smitty Charles Krauthammer on Fox News All-Stars, in the context of the debt ceiling fracas: On whether House Republicans have enough power to force a politically successful outcome: I think what we’re losing sight of here is in the end, all this is about who gets the blame. It’s like with Gingrich and Clinton. […]

The Vicious Jackals Are Planning to Screw Us Over (But You Already Knew That)

Sincerity in Washington, D.C., is as rare as chastity in a whorehouse, and the secret to understanding what’s really going on is complete cynicism: President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of a stormy debt-limit meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, a dramatic setback to the already shaky negotiations, according to GOP sources. If you are taken […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 07.14.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS McConnell Outlines New Proposal On Debt Ceiling Proposal places responsibility for raising debt limit squarely on President; Democrats cautiously optimistic, but House GOP obdurate Mumbai Bomb Blasts: India Looks At “Every Possible Group” At least 17 killed, hundreds injured; suspicions that Pakistan in involved (again) Murdoch Struggles To Save […]

GOP Freshmen Will Call for Congressional Investigation of Planned Parenthood

Reacting to a new report about the taxpayer-funded activities of Planned Parenthood, Rep. Renee Ellmers has warned her House colleagues of “systemic fraud and abuse” by the nation’s largest abortion provider. A first-term North Carolina Republican, Ellmers will be joined by fellow GOP freshmen Rep. Rep. Randy Hultgren of Illinois and Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan, […]

On My To-Do List For R&R:
The Undefeated

by Smitty I’m within about 36 hours of starting the trip home. Travel within Afghanistan is simply not a fun thing for anyone. And there are more important things, like greeting the World’s Youngest Blogger on the plate. Still, there are other things on the to-do list. Nice Deb posts a review of The Undefeated. […]

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