The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wrecking-Ball Right Reaches Robert Reich, Frank Schaeffer

by Smitty Who is the audience for some of the vacuous noise one sees on the Puffington Host? Robert Reich whines almost cutely in The Rise of the Wrecking-Ball Right, but his title demands at least a rubber chicken to the head, if not something more violent. Recently I debated a conservative Republican who insisted […]

Chinese Animators Lampoon Debt Crisis

by Smitty (via Legal Insurrection) The absurdity of it all is underscored by a bear with a Mao cap, an elephant standing on a money hose, and a ‘backdoor plan’. The fact that these guys are Taiwanese means that they don’t reveal Jim Morrison when they open the back door, but I think we can […]

Gingrich Advises GOP on ‘Bully’ Obama: Stop Negotiating and Start Legislating

Say what you will about Newt, he’s a brilliant legislative tactician: President Obama is a “bully” who is “clearly failing” on economic policy, according to Newt Gingrich , and House Republicans should stop negotiating with the White House and move forward with passing their own solutions to the debt-ceiling and budget deficit. “Obama has put […]

Renowned ‘Heh-ologian’ Nancy Pelosi Explains What BHO Means By ‘Job’

by Smitty Thanks to The Blog Prof for the clip tip. The context was the debt limit negotiations. I disagree with Blog Prof’s assessment that “this comparison [of BHO to Job] is nothing short of INSANE”. In fact, this is one of the more accurate statements Princess Pelosi has drooled since she became a load […]

McCain Clan Didn’t Notice Stacy’s Absence

by Smitty As Stacy was noting recently: This was the second year in a row that the Fourth has found me dead broke, without fireworks or the means to get to Alabama, so that I have been continuously (and quite publicly) humiliated in the eyes of my friends and family for the past 24 months. […]

System Shock: Straightforward, Positive Campaign Ad for Virginia’s Dianne Blais

by Smitty (via Allahpundit on Twitter) Allahpundit teases with the question of whether this is the greatest campaign ad ever. I suspect that such an award would go to one with maximal impact, which would probably be a Ladd Ehlinger outing. That said, the notion of a simple collection of jaunty couplets delivered by the […]

The Weird Reich

It’s not unusual for strange ideas to turn up in Maureen Dowd’s column, but she found a really weird one this time: Adolf Hitler invented the blow-up sex doll! The latest wacky Hitler story comes from the British author Graeme Donald. He says that, while researching a military book, he stumbled across a story that […]

Court: Accused Child Molester Has Right to Watch Kiddie Porn ‘Evidence’ in Jail

Because he is acting as his own attorney, Weldon Marc Gilbert — accused of molesting young boys and videotaping the abuse — has been granted access to the obscene evidence in the case: Witnesses for the prosecution allege that Gilbert, 50, plied the boys with alcohol prior to performing sex acts on them that included […]

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