LIVE AT FIVE – 07.20.11
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS “Gang Of Six” Provides New Hope For Debt Talks Plan would increase debt limit in exchange for closure of tax loopholes, lower rates, and impose $500 billion in Medicare cuts; Tea Party conservatives in House unenthusiastic Taliban Claims Cell Phones Hacked Text message about Mohammed Omar’s death a fake, […]
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Is ‘Vile … Despicable … Coward,’ Says Allen West
About time someone said it: From: Z112 West, Allen Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly […]
GOP Dept. of Media Relations
Doug Ross of ABC News gets roughed up by Michele Bachmann’s security: Ross dashed after Bachmann, repeatedly asking whether she had ever missed a House vote due to a migraine. She ignored him. Ross pursued her into a parking area behind the stage. Her aides grew alarmed. When Ross made a beeline for the white […]
Why Is Tim Pawlenty Losing?
Walter Shapiro at The New Republic: But, midway through the interview, desperate for a headline-making morsel about his home-state rival, I asked Pawlenty to respond to the assessment that he was the establishment and [Michele] Bachmann was the outsider in Minnesota politics. To my surprise, Pawlenty sprang to life. He spent the next four minutes […]
Porn: How to Make Sex Boring
Susannah Breslin: Nowadays, I get emails from young journalists asking for leads in the adult business. They want to write a porn story, they say, but they can’t find a way in. Can I help? Increasingly, these inquiries come from young women. Curious, they want to see what it’s like inside the sausage factory. To […]
A Prediction Comes True?
When Michele Bachmann’s campaign caught fire last month after the New Hampshire CNN debate, I was pleasantly surprised. I had met Bachmann backstage at the Tax Day Tea Party rally in D.C., and was pleased to see a Tea Party-backed candidate doing well. My only caveat was that, historically, House members don’t win presidential campaigns. Anyway, while […]
Your Tax Dollars at Play
How can those cheapskate Republicans talk about cutting the federal budget when we need money for valuable scientific research? The federal government helped fund a study that examined what effect a gay man’s penis size has on his sex life and general well-being. . . . This particular research resulted in a 2009 report titled, […]
Feminists: Dishonest, Crazy or Both?
We don’t expect honesty or sanity from Amanda Marcotte: Bolder Anti-Sex Arguments Coming From Religious Right You can be anti-promiscuity without being “anti-sex,” and Marcotte’s casual conflation of the two phenomena tells you much more about feminism’s agenda than it does about what the “Religious Right” is up to. Lisa Graas replies to Marcotte’s sexual […]
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