What Happened to ‘No Drama Obama’?
Turned the TV on this afternoon to try to get some news about the Oslo terrorism attacks and instead, I get a hectoring and angry President Obama. It appears that House Speaker John Boehner has found his spine and isn’t going to be bullied into raising taxes, and this has driven the president into paroxyms […]
Dear John Hawkins …
. . . twice now I’ve meant to respond to your recent contributions to the “Death of Blogging” meme: The Slow, Painful Coming Death Of The Independent, Conservative Blogosphere The Slow, Painful Coming Death Of The Independent, Conservative Blogosphere Part 2 Unfortunately, for some strange reason, every time I start working on a response, a […]
BREAKING: Explosions Blast Government Buildings in Norway; Terrorism Suspected UPDATE: Death Toll Now Reported at 17 UPDATE: Shooting Suspect Norwegian, Official Says; No Word Yet on Motive UPDATE: Anders Behring Breivik Named as Suspect Under Arrest — ‘Right Wing’?
* * * SATURDAY UPDATE * * * Death Toll Now Reported at 91 in Norway ‘Christian Fundamentalist’ Terror Attack * * * FRIDAY * * * UPDATE 8:02 p.m. ET: Police in Oslo have reportedly stormed the home of the suspect arrested in the Norway terror attacks: Several outlets including UK newspaper The Daily […]
DeMint Decommisions Commissions, Plus Subtle Krauthammer Humor
by Smitty If the magnitude of the debt was not nearly beyond visualization, then listening to BHO bloviate in stark criticism of the current debt crisis might nearly be amusing: As Krauthammer noted on Fox News All Stars: The Republicans have not done what they should have done months ago, which is to find one […]
The Terrible Legislative Catastrophe No One Will Remember in November 2012
For weeks we’ve endured non-stop sturm und drang about the debt-ceiling crisis, and the tightrope negotations between President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress: President Obama and House Speaker John A. Boehner rushed Thursday to strike agreement on a far-reaching plan to reduce the national debt but faced a revolt from Democrats furious that the […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 07.22.11
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Congressional Democrats Unhappy With Secret Debt-Limit Deal Senior Democrats unhappy with massive spending cuts conceded by Obama in return for tax loophole closures Short-term deal also a possibility Military Gay Ban To End In 60 Days? Reports say Panetta, Mullen ready to certify that military is ready for repeal […]
‘What God Hath Joined Together …’
“He’s 51. She’s 16. The same people in Hollywood who knock the marriage cannot wait to be invited to the next Hugh Hefner wedding.” — Don Surber We were driving to the pool Thursday afternoon to pick up my 18-year-old son Bob from work (he’s a Red Cross certified lifeguard) while I chatted briefly on […]
We’ve whupped the damned Yankees, and the invaders are reported to be in panic-stricken retreat from the sacred soil of the Old Dominion: Dignitaries, history buffs and thousands of reenactors gathered on the hills and fields outside Manassas on Thursday to mark the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Bull Run, the first major battle […]
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