The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Muslims: Don’t Hurt Their Feelings!

Posted on | July 24, 2011 | 19 Comments

For example, it hurts their feelings when an Australian court says they can’t have sex with 8-year-olds.

And it especially hurts their feelings when you suspect them of involvement with terrorism:

Right-wing websites quickly pointed the finger at “jihadis,” and Pamela Geller, publisher of the website Atlas Shrugs and executive director of Stop Islamization of America, wrote on her site: “You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad.”
Counter-terrorism experts soon weighed in, implicating Al Qaeda.

Pamela Geller gives it right back at ’em. Why do none of these oh-so-sensitive liberals ever worry about  hurting Pamela’s feelings?


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