Isn’t It Cute When Progressives Pause From Raping The Poor Long Enough To Express Concern About Them?
by Smitty Alan Colmes triggers the laugh track as he suddenly remembers that when Republicans speak, it’s time to remember the little guy. Ryan’s plan will also propose tax reforms that lower corporate and upper-income tax rates, while eliminating certain loopholes. The details of that part of his plan are unclear, but if they adhere […]
‘Etch-a-Sketch’ Estimate of Libya War Costs: $40 Million Per Month? More?
Spencer Ackerman smashes the Obama administration’s Libya policy through a plate-glass window: How much will the Libya war cost America, now that NATO jets are hitting Moammar Gadhafi’s forces? Good luck figuring out an answer. Michael Donley, the secretary of the Air Force, leveled with reporters that the cost estimates for the war are coming […]
More On Lindsey Graham (Don’t Speak Those Four Words Too Quickly)
by Smitty Gateway Pundit stands at the brink of a pit and peers over at a US Senator ignoring the First Rule of Holes. It wouldn’t be so bad if Graham wasn’t in an elected office. Like a flag burner or torcher of anyone’s scripture, Graham should be allowed to make a colossal ass of […]
Ivy League Administration Reacts Quickly to Ivy League Sexual Harassment Charges
“Because the budget is so last week,” Wombat snarked in sharing the headline this morning: White House targets sexual assault on campus Wombat and other readers can be forgiven for wondering why this issue suddenly popped to the top of the administration’s agenda. But then again, we can’t afford to send our kids to Yale University […]
Arguments To Spike The Heart Of The Entitlement Vampire
by Smitty The mighty Veronique de Rugy posts about some horrid DCCC work against Ryan, and ends with: Now, how can we make people understand that entitlement programs are not an entitlement? How do we reach out to them? Here are a few thoughts of mine: The Math: they are a ponzi scheme. The demographics […]
Eric Holder Blames Congress for Blocking Trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Even when they do the right thing, the Obama administration refuses to take responsibility: The Obama administration Monday abandoned its effort to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on trial in civilian courts, saying the accused terrorists will instead face military trials at Guantanamo Bay, in the […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 04.05.11
TOP NEWS FAA To Order Older Boeing 737s Checked 80 737s covered; all but two owned & operated by Southwest 9/11 Suspects To Be Tried In Military Courts Another promise hits its expiration date. UN Peacekeepers, French Forces Strike At Gbagbo Loyalist Positions In Abidjan UN and France choose sides in Ivorian civil war Yemeni […]
Rule 5 SundayMonday: Jesus Is The Answer
Because it doesn’t matter what the question is. At first I thought Soylent Green had found some steampunk hotness, but then I realized I’d misread the post title (NSFW, as grease is not opaque). Later, he supplied an early Easter Egg Hunt as well. Three Beers Later, not to be outdone, continued the March Sweater […]
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