The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

It’s All Harmless Fun and Games …

. . . until somebody gets hurt:

Here’s Why We Want To Differentiate Between Faith And Politics

by Smitty NewsBusters has a post on Rev. Soong-Chan Rah in the Chicago Tribune. For some background on where I’m coming from, see my last August post, the main point of which was that morality is not strictly equal to ethics. That is, there are ethical questions, ethical/moral questions, and moral questions.

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.06.11

TOP NEWS No Budget Deal Yet As Shutdown Looms Brinksmanship continues as Boehner holds firm Japan May Order Heartland Industry Power Cuts Efforts underway to avoid summer blackouts in wake of Fukushima disaster Gbagbo Refuses to Surrender Despite Military Defeat Still holed up in bunker underneath Presidential residence. [Insert parody video from “Downfall” here] POLITICS […]

Word of the Day: ‘Creeptastic’

As in, “Did you see that British tabloid story about the creeptastic beauty-pageant mom who gives her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections and bikini waxes?” Like other eight-year-old girls, Britney Campbell loves dancing to Lady GaGa, is fond of fashion and enjoys putting on make-up. . . . Once every three months, Britney climbs on a […]

Isn’t VA’s Outgoing Senator Enough Of A Progressive Tool?

by Smitty Legal Insurrection posts a clip of Tim “I did not ride Mark Warner’s coattails” Kaine, who would like to replace Sen. Jim “Yeah, I got elected on ‘macaca’” Webb as the junior Senator from VA. The bandwidth and the interest to deal with this video just ain’t there. I won’t even embed it. […]

Libya Update: Artillery Fire Drives Rebels Back From Brega; Leaders Slam NATO

Reports from several news organizations indicate that Libyan rebels, who had been attempting to re-take the oil town of Brega, have retreated after an intense artillery barrage from forces loyal to Moammar Qaddafi’s regime. Associated Press: BREGA, Libya – Libyan government forces unleashed a withering bombardment of rebels outside a key oil town Tuesday as […]

Thugland, USA: Baseball Fan Brutally Attacked Outside Dodger Stadium

A 42-year-old paramedic is hospitalized with critical head injuries after he was savagely stomped in the parking lot while leaving a Dodgers-Giants game last week. The injured man, a father of two young children, is a Giants fan and the Los Angeles Times depicts this atrocity as a sports-rivalry-gone-wrong. But Southern California blogger Donald Douglas […]

In Defense of Conor Friedersdorf

by Smitty Let the Tweet tell the tale of his rebuttal of Stacy McCain: That Conor: His nouns are bold, his verbs uncanny. Admit he’s the king of prose, or he’ll whip your fanny!  At least Conor is using TweetDeck. Stacy. Now, since the lone novembered one (for you phonetic alphabet junkies) thinks that he’s […]

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