Could Stacy McCain Ever Use An iPad?
by Smitty The fedora. The cigarettes. The coffee. The lucid, well-organized prose that sucks the order out of the rest of his life. The laptop that has been beaten in the ‘rented mule’ fashion. Stacy McCain, whom I guess I’ve known about three years now, is a man so set in his ways that the […]
Another Daily Libyan Rebels Update: If This Is Wednesday, They’re Advancing
When last we left the Half-Assed Uprising, the ragtag rebels had retreated from Brega yesterday — some reportedly fleeing all the way to Ajdabiya, 50 miles up the coast — after Qaddafi’s forces laid down an artillery barrage. Today, the Mighty, Mighty Libyan Rebels have resumed the offensive, according to a recap and update from Reuters: […]
Trog Summarizes Ryan, And Had Me Until The Last Sentence
by Smitty TrogloPundit does a fine job of summarizing thoughts of Ace and Hot Air on the Ryan budget. He wonders what Ryan has to do to get past some of the underwhelmed response in the conservative blogs. I understand you’ve got to cheer for the Representative from your own state, but really, Trog: this […]
REPORT: Beck to End Daily Fox Show
Apparently, Glenn Beck has issued a press release announcing he “intends to transition off of his daily program” on Fox News Channel. Exactly what that means, we don’t know yet. UPDATE: The press release describes discussions about “a variety of television projects” in a vague enough way that media tea-leaf readers at both the Washington Post and […]
I Guess Katie Couric Turned It Down
by Smitty *cough* Debbie *heh* Wasserman-Schultz *snort* for DNC Chair? Replacing little ol’ Timmy “NOVA” Kaine? Really? Admit it, Debbie: dread of Allen West has driven you to seek a safer harbor. It’s all gonna be OK. More at Hot Air.
So, Monica Potts: When’s the Wedding?
In the American Prospect, Monica Potts gets all sarcastic about Kay Hymowitz’s new book, Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys., describing Hymowitz’s thesis: Hymowitz argues that a generation of parents who spent their time empowering girls has left men adrift and unable to understand their proper place in society. […]
Why Not Perpetuate A Fraud On The American Public?
by Smitty Ace’s post “Boehner: I Will Not Perpetrate A Fraud On The American Public” prompts a reply in the form of a paraphrase of the good Representative Jessup (D-mented): Son, we live in a country that has social safety nets, and those nets have to be guarded by politicians with legislation. Who’s gonna do […]
Prosser Wins in Wisconsin
UPDATE: Kloppenburg Steals It?
Yeah, I know that’s not the headline this morning. “Too Close to Call,” they say, but with 99% of precincts reporting and conservative Justice David Prosser leading by 585 votes in the state Supreme Court race, I’m calling it: Prosser wins. Even if the unions finagle the recount and manage to steal this thing for […]
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