The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Insty’s Sarcasm Exceeds Caustic Level

by Smitty Here: I can predict that President Obama will do something that his supporters used to think was stone-cold evil and unAmerican, and most of them will be fine with it. Oh, wait, that’s already happened? Never mind, then. I blame Fukushima radiation. Oh, and did I mention the #Obama2012Slogans hash on Twitter? Heh: […]

Libya: Even the New York Times Admits the Rebels Are Militarily Hopeless

Having spent the past several days bemoaning what a half-assed bunch the Libyan rebels are, it’s nice to see a reporter on the scene describe the extent of their half-assedness: The rebel military, as it sometimes called, is not really a military at all. . . . With throaty cries and weapons they have looted […]

Vince Shlomi’s ShamWow ‘Love Slave’

Pictured above is 23-year-old Jennifer Kosinski, a model who worked as a personal assistant for Vince Shlomi — the famous TV informercial pitch-man for ShamWow and Slap Chop — and who has now filed a federal lawsuit against her 46-year-old former boss: Kosinski moved to Miami Beach, where she became Shlomi’s personal assistant (and lived rent-free […]

‘Shut It Down and Praise the Lord’

Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times reports that, in addition to halting IRS audits, a federal government shutdown would temporarily rid D.C. of a couple of my pet peeves. To Hell With the Cherry Blossom Festival!

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.07.11

TOP NEWS President Holds Late-Night Budget Talks To Avoid Shutdown White House meeting includes Senate Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Boehner Related: Karl Rove on Obama’s Government Shutdown Gambit Effort Begins To Head Off Gas Explosion At Fukushima Reactor Nitrogen being injected into Unit #1 Wisconsin Supreme Court Vote Doesn’t Shake Walker’s Resolve Governor says […]

Big Gov. Notes The Anniversary Of WWI Declaration Of War Against Germany

by Smitty So we declared war on Germany 94 years ago today. My question to the blogs at large is this: does the fact that we no longer declare any sort of proper war have any impact on the fact that we never get around to peace, either? Discuss. Theo Spark takes you back to […]

Pawlenty’s Drunk Campaign Staffer Arrested for Trespassing in Iowa

Ben Foster, 24, was arrested after he tried to break into a house in Ankeny, Iowa, at 3 a.m. A staffer for the Tim Pawlenty presidential exploratory campaign, Foster was evidently so drunk he mistook the house in Ankeny for the place he was staying — 10 miles away in Johnston, Iowa. Both towns are suburbs […]

Gone, Wisconsin!

Joan Kloppenburg has declared victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election — apparently winning by a margin of 204 votes — and thus dies whatever hope there had been for the state’s economic and political future. Gov. Scott Walker and the newly-elected Republican majority in the legislature had begun the only possible reform that could have saved Wisconsin: The […]

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