I Dig Getting Paid, But Which Is Cheaper: Five Months Pay Lost, Or ObamaCare?
by Smitty Again cribbing the Mighty Instapundit, “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.” Up to the plate steps Michele Bachmann, and the baseball (not to mention the foppish excuse for a pitcher cluttering the mound) weeps in fear: “Because of this discrepancy […]
GOP Hopefuls Will Halt No Whine Before Its Time
by Smitty Alternate title: “GOP Hopefuls Note Budget Gallipoli, Neglect To Engage”. Via Protein Wisdom, we have Charles Gasparino in the New York Post: Sure, the candidates offered vague praise for Ryan after the plan’s release on Tuesday. Mitt Romney said Ryan is “setting the right tone for finally getting spending and entitlements under control.” […]
Kaine Down By 13 To Allen. It Is Time.
Cry ‘Havoc!’ And Let Slip Jim Moran.
by Smitty Roanoke College delivers some unhelpful news for Kaine. swacgirl notes: Kaine did Virginians no favor as governor, and he has been closely associated with Democratic President Barack Obama’s liberal overreaching government policies including ObamaCare, something he claims to be proud of. In Virginia? What to do? For the Democrats, there is only one […]
Inventory The Pitchforks And Torches, And Stand By, Patriots
by Smitty The Blaze quotes Andy Stern as saying, in the context of the Constitutional layers of power, where authority is delegated to the federal government: Now, however, in the midst of the transformative change of globalization and this third economic revolution, those layers have become an impediment to making the changes necessary to keep […]
Democrats Draw the Line, Will Shut Down Government Over Planned Parenthood
In her 2006 book, Godless, Ann Coulter called abortion “the holiest sacrament” in the religion of liberalism. Democrats would rather shut down the federal government than de-fund Planned Parenthood: Congressional budget negotiations broke up before dawn on Friday without an agreement, putting the government on a path to a shutdown when financing for federal agencies […]
Libya: ‘Obama’s Worst Failure to Date’
That’s the subject of my latest American Spectator column: Scarcely three weeks after the U.S. military launched Operation Odyssey Dawn, the war in Libya is beginning to look like President Obama’s worst failure to date. While official Washington and the political press have been focused on budget negotiations and the prospect of a federal government […]
Climate Change Consenseless Goes Down In The House
by Smitty (h/t Pirate’s Cove) Lawmakers voted 184-240 against Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-Calif.) amendment to a GOP-led bill that would strip the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases. The amendment from Waxman — the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee — reflects Democratic efforts to cast the bill as an outrageous […]
The Progressive Hits Just Keep On Coming. The GOP Wasted Money?
by Smitty Alan Colmes continues to be a more refined form of silliness than the SOL/PuffHo. The other day I was noting the sanctimonious concern for the poor. Now we observe him, get this, fretting that “GOP Shutdown Threats Already Costing Us Money“. This is hysterical, in both the ancient and modern senses of the […]
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