Thad McCotter On The House Floor With A Rock Reference So Old, Even Stacy McCain Gets It
by Smitty (via Treacher on Twitter) So the post title is a trifle gratuitous. Sorry. Meanwhile, as seen on Breitbart TV: “The Democratic Party will shut down the government so they can spend more of your money. The Republican Party is committed to keeping the government open and spending less of your money.” “The Song […]
World’s Youngest Blogger Needs Name
by Unborn Son of Smitty Checking in a little early with you readers. I’m not due for launch until July-ish, but already the dark clouds of crisis hang in my future, the way bricks don’t. I need a name that doesn’t suck. My father has suggested “Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus Smith” , which caused […]
Last year, the National Organization for Marriage hired a 24-year-old kid who, as a high school senior in 2004, had gone door-to-door campaigning for John Edwards in the Iowa Democrat caucuses. NOM didn’t just hire liberal Democrat activist Louis J. Marinelli to do office work, stuffing envelopes or something. No, they recruited him as the online […]
Let’s Laugh Now: Palin Edges Huckabee Among Mississippi Segregationists?
While checking Memeorandum to keep track of the latest government shutdown developments Friday, I saw this headline at the liberal Talking Points Memo blog: Nearly Half Of Mississippi Republicans Think Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal Hmmmmm. So I went over to check the results at Public Policy Polling and found that, in a poll of […]
REPORT: Deal Struck, Averts Shutdown (Insert ’30 Pieces of Silver’ Joke Here)
I’d been planning to go to bed early but stayed awake long enough to catch this: President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said tonight that lawmakers have agreed on a temporary extension of government funding, averting a government shutdown while Congress considers a longer-term budget agreement. Boehner made the same announcement during a […]
New Motherf–g Tone Update: Government Shutdown Edition
“We are heading to a shutdown not because of a debate over money, not because of a debate over cuts but because Republicans continue to push a radical agenda against women . . . throwing women and children under the bus.” — Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Maryland Democrat Ezra Klein of The Washington Post claims that a mere […]
Oh, Those Dirty Corporations
by Smitty Judicial Watch notes that the Chicago based corporation called ACORN is on the carpet again: Facing more than a dozen felony charges in Nevada, ACORN pleaded guilty to one count this week for illegally paying canvassers to register voters during the 2008 presidential campaign. The deal means that ACORN will avoid going to […]
I’m In Favor Of A Constitutional Convention, In A Few Years
by Smitty (via Insty) The talk of a Convention is tempting. We had 126 years prior to Woodrow Wilson, who set us on course to become the Progressive State of America in 1913. Completely unfair to credit him with so many of the misdeeds, foreign and domestic, that occurred in the last century, and culminated […]
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