The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Conservatives: Relax About Boehner

by Smitty I’m totally with Red State on this one. No, they shouldn’t. I think John Boehner is more conservative than Eric Cantor, who’d most likely replace him, but Boehner’s leadership has been crap lately. This deal that got us $38.5 billion in cuts, turns out to not only have gotten us $14 billion in […]

Huffy Arianna And The Circling Sharks

by Smitty Morrissey and the dextrosphere are all enjoying a good chuckle at the expense of the Huffington Post lawsuit. Jonathan Tasini: We’re going to make it clear that, until you do justice here, your life is going to be a living hell. Justice? Really? How does Tasini’s notion of justice relate to things like […]

‘Shared Sacrifice’ = Tax Increases

Today, Obama will give a major speech on deficits and here’s an Associated Press video report in which the reporter uses the phrase “shared sacrifice” to describe the president’s plan to call for repealing the Bush tax cuts: White House spokesman Jay Carney said Tuesday that the plan Obama will outline on Wednesday at George […]

The Excitement Is Killing Me

Tim Pawlenty announces his presidential campaign: PAWLENTY 2012: Because Politics Isn’t Boring Enough

Daily Libya Update

If this is Wednesday, the rebels are advancing: AJDABIYA, Libya — This normally bustling city was nearly deserted Tuesday as rebel fighters pressed on to the oil port of Brega, taking advantage of recent NATO airstrikes that pushed forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi farther west. . . . In Ajdabiya, rebels left behind a skeleton […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.13.11

TOP NEWS Romney On Obama:”The Citizenship Test Has Been Passed” “There are real reasons to get this guy out of office…but his citizenship isn’t the reason why.” Stocks, Commodities Fall On Continuing Japanese Crisis; Swiss Franc, Bonds Gain Oil, S&P index fall Obama Calls Newly Installed Ouattara Also, France agrees to $850 million stimulus for […]

Smoke, Mirrors, Some Assembly Required

Some of the conservative pundits who were doing victory laps over Friday’s budget deal — and you know who you are — need to admit they were taken in by the D.C. spin machine: Details of the $38 billion worth of spending cuts factoring in last Friday’s 11th-hour budget that averted a government shutdown have […]

This Reminds Me of Stalingrad

Earlier this afternoon, I remarked on Twitter how wonderful the Battle of Stalingrad was. Nazis killing Commies and Commies killing Nazis — killing each other by the thousands, day after day, week after week, for months on end. It was a win-win, and the only sad thing is that the battle ended before every last […]

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