The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.14.11

TOP NEWS Obama’s Tax Increase Proposal Hits The Wall GOP leadership unanimously condemns tax increase proposals Japan’s Nuclear Watchdog Says Other Options May Be Needed At Fukushima Difficulty of removing radioactive water impeding cleanup Rick Santorum Announces Exploratory Committee Is Harold Stassen still dead? POLITICS Jersey Voters Don’t Want Christie Running For President Either He […]

Word of the Day: Sharing!

Just as I predicted, Obama’s Big Deficit Speech was big on sharing: As a country that values fairness, wealthier individuals have traditionally borne a greater share of this burden than the middle class or those less fortunate. . . . To meet this challenge [i.e., ballooning deficits], our leaders came together three times during the […]

One Of The Cooler Things In Afghanistan

by Smitty Lovely day in the Hindu Kush. I’m working around CJITF-435, commanded by VADM Harward, who is one of those guys who is such a Bad Mike Foxtrot that he simply doesn’t have to prove anything, emitting quiet, calm competence instead. In front of the head shed, he has a deck cool enough to […]

A: Since Most Are Neither Productive, Nor Reproductive, Nor Paying Taxes

by Smitty “Since when is going to work and paying your taxes and raising your kids the alternate lifestyle in this country?” The blame for which, of course, must be laid at the feet of . . . wait for it . . . Boooooowsh. Ahhhh. Hadn’t had a Blame Bush moment in so long. […]

Israel, Islam and Endogamy

Is heredity destiny? At least one rabbi says so: ‘Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring’ Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man –- even if it is the last option available. […]

Why It Is Crucial To Own The Definitions

by Smitty (h/t Lucianne) After former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was appointed in 1979, the consumer price index surged into the double digits, causing the now revered Fed Chief to double the benchmark interest rate in order to break the back of inflation. Using the methodology in place at that time puts the CPI […]

It’s Only Disaster If Anyone Pays Attention

by Smitty Pat in Shreveport links the WSJ story about an independent Trump candidacy if His Donaldness doesn’t score the GOP nomination. Well, we can just pack it in right now, as far as I can tell. Clearly 1992 will repeat itself. There will be an equestrian GOP candidate who can be relied upon to […]

Al Bethke’s Baseball Philosophy

In pursuit of answers to that Eternal Blogger Question — “How’s traffic doing today?” — I checked SiteMeter and saw that I’d been linked by Al Bethke, a Milwaukee Brewers fan who describes his blog thus: If you are a believer in respecting [on-base percentage], throwing strikes, and keeping the ball in the park, you […]

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