Guys: Collective Guilt Is Not Sexy
A couple weeks ago, there was a lot of buzz surrounding the “Dear Woman” video — hell, no, I’m not gonna embed it here — in which a bunch of New Age dudes profess their intent to compensate for the historic oppression of women. Melissa Clouthier’s reaction: My initial response was to laugh so hard […]
SCOTUS To Decide To Hear VA ObamaCare Suit Today?
by Smitty (h/t Theo Spark) Read the whole thing at the American Spectator: . . .occasionally the justices receive a “petition for certiorari before judgment” asking them to consider the decision of some District Court before it has been reviewed by a Court of Appeals. Friday’s conference schedule includes consideration of one such petition, filed […]
How Ladd Ehlinger Went Viral And Flu Around The World
by Smitty Never mind my sorry pun fetish, read Ladd’s play-by-play in full. A wee cough: In space, no one can hear you scream. On youTube, no one HAS to watch your video and no one WILL unless you do something interesting. If, on the other hand, you’re an obscure politician in Alabama running for […]
‘Avenge the Patriotic Gore That Flecked the Streets of Baltimore’
The state song, “Maryland, My Maryland” (sung to the tune of “O Tannenbaum”) is actually a pro-Confederate anthem written in 1861. The “patriotic gore” was shed by 12 secessionist civilians shot dead by Union troops in Baltimore on April 19 of that year. And as for the song’s lyrics in the ninth verse — “Huzza! […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 04.15.11
TOP NEWS Congress Finally Passes 2011 Budget Most GOP freshmen in House support budget Allies Vow To Push Libya Until Gaddafi Resigns The bombings will continue until morale collapses US Accuses Iran of Involvement In Suppressing Syrian Protests Crowd-control weapons, new media suppression techniques provided by Iran to its ally POLITICS Detroit […]
Sheen: My Show Is So Outstanding, I Should Totally Be President
by Smitty The headline is a complete fabrication. However, there is time for us all to chip in and send the POTUS to Toronto to catch Sheen’s act. As I doubt there is going to be any political will to impeach BHO, irrespective of what he does in the next 18 months, the least the […]
Boehner’s Bargain Approved 260-167; 59 Republicans Vote ‘No,’ 81 Dems Vote ‘Yes’
Reported by Robert Costa at National Review, noting that Michelle Bachmann, Mike Pence and Allen West were among the Republican “no” votes, while the Democrats voting “yes” included Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Y’know, I think that pretty much settles the argument of whether this was a good deal from the conservative perspective. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz voted for it, […]
Pansexual? That Sounds Like A Member Of A Splinter Group That Broke Off From The Church Of Appliantology
by Smitty Dear Irene: No. Yours, Smitty Sixteen-year-old Irene Rojas-Carroll, an activist who calls herself a “pansexual,” is the star of a San Francisco Chronicle story on a controversial California bill to mandate that schools pay tribute to homosexual pioneers in their history lessons. Sexuality needs to return to being a private matter if the […]
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