The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Other McCain School Of Career Planning: Online Degree In Game Art

by Smitty Just in case you are, or know somebody who is young and needs a very little bit of direction in life, as in, not enough to go too far, point them to the Full Sail University, where they can get a degree in Game Art. I have no idea of the price, since […]

The 1970s In NYC: Something Else

by Smitty Ed Driscoll, one of those great bloggers whom we don’t link enough, has a post about people waxing nostalgic for NYC’s seedier days. Admittedly, that was a little before my time, but it did bring to mind a funny bit from Our Dumb Century: Some humorless git seems to have left the funniest […]

Lawrence O’Donnell May Be A Knob, But That’s Not A Crime On Its Own

by Smitty I couldn’t agree less with O’Donnell’s thesis that Americans are Socialists, not rugged individualists.Rather than just reject him entirely, though, we need to allow that there is a healthy chunk of the population with an unhealthy taste for the socialist whip. They exist. Stupid people. Fortunately, their stupidity often extends to their mating […]

Vodka Pundit Grievously Insults Famed Omega Theta Pi Bluto Blutarsky

by Smitty Things have gone way too far in the dextrosphere when the POTUS is compared to John Blutarsky: Remember in Animal House, when John Belushi’s character yelled “Food fight!” in the cafeteria, got a good one going, then made himself a quick escape from the ensuing chaos? That’s right — we have John Blutarsky […]

A History Lesson for Janelle Harris

“It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles, and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. . . . I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look […]

Rush: ‘Cut To The Chase,’ a Tea Party Rallying Cry

by Smitty After about a half-hour outage, the network pipe seemed stable enough to grab some tuneage off of Amazon. Rush’s 1993 Counterparts has this essential cut. No matter how deep the rot revealed inside the Beltway, there just isn’t any excuse to give in to despair. You may be right, It’s all a waste […]

Trump Is A Tea Party Favorite?

by Smitty Alan Colmes accuses Trump of being a Tea Party favorite. Usefully, Colmes points out that Trump is, at best, an opportunist. Stacy McCain’s admonition not to let opponents pick candidates for you applies. The Tea Parties never hired Trump, as far as I heard. Once the media finds the next thing as shiny […]

TODAY: Herman Cain in New Hampshire

He’s one of the headliners at the Americans for Prosperity Tax Day Tea Party at the state capitol in Concord. Then it’s off to Florida where he’ll speak this evening (6:30 p.m. ) at a Tea Party rally in Orlando featuring Marco Rubio. Join the online grassroots army at Citizens for Cain.

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