Separated At Birth, Reynolds/Grant Ed.
by Smitty This is precisely what it appears to be, a blatant attempt at blogwhoring. You will likely never see me mention the dude on the right again. I thought the height of his acting career was getting his chops busted by Colin Firth in Bridget Jones’s Diary
Shouldn’t A Renowned Constitutional Scholar Know That?
by Smitty Bernstein at Volkh raises the ugly point, emphasis mine: Remember Iran-Contra? The problem for the Reagan Administration there was that Congress banned the president from allocating money to the Contras. The Administration, quite illegally in my view, tried to get around that ban by using funds from arm sales to Iran to subvert […]
Sissypuss Has An Industrial Strength Tinfoil Hat Competition Entry
by The Blog Kitty It all clicked. I get it. The point of the Obama/Trump birther conspiracy. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Hawaii’s most famous son. Jon Meacham, useful idiot par dreck-sellance gives us the clue here: But that’s another story. Little is known of the story of the native-born clause. As reconstructed […]
As Hollywood Turns: Charlie Sheen’s Ex-Wife Brooke Mueller Trying to Pawn Stuff
Definitely not “winning”: Brooke Mueller walked into a pawn shop in Inglewood, CA. early Thursday morning, and tried to hock an expensive men’s watch and a stereo . . . Brooke was desperately trying to get cash for the two items … but the store would not make the purchase because Brooke did not have […]
London’s Gay ‘Kiss-In’ Protest
This image is from a video posted by the U.K. Guardian: Two poofters got bounced from a Soho pub after they started kissing and — because everything is now political — there was a protest: The pub at the centre of a homophobia row closed its doors, as hundreds of people prepared to attend a […]
The Ryan Budget
I’m tempted to call it “The Savage Young Ryan Budget,” but seriously, folks: House Republicans did the smart thing yesterday, and don’t let worry-wart Allahpundit tell you any different. Not a single Democrat voted for it, and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel’s boast that this will help Democrats recapture the House is nonsense. Let the Democrats […]
The Savage Young
My hometown friend George Hall occasionally used to say he’d like to start a band called “The Savage Young.” George and I had both been caught up in the second wave of Beatlemania that swept over teenagedom in the middle and late 1970s, years after the Beatles had broken up, and a lot of us […]
Allow Me To Disagree With Sen. DeMint
by Smitty Cubachi has Senator DeMint’s proposal for three terms for members of the House of Representatives and two terms for those in the Senate. Here is a better idea: repeal the 17th Amendment. Let the Senate return to representing the States. The States can treat Senate nominations like the President treats Supreme Court nominations. […]
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