The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hollywood Rocked by Another Shocking Natalie Portman Body-Double Scandal

Let’s see: Politics, taxes, Libya — yep, I’ve covered all those insignificant trivial stories today. Time for some really important news: Her dance double for Black Swan has claimed that she did hardly any of the full body shots seen in the film. And now it is claimed that Natalie Portman used yet another body […]

‘Mission Creep’ in Libya: Cameron Won’t Rule Out Use of British Ground Troops

The London Telegraph reports: The Prime Minister insisted that there would be no “occupation” of Libya, but repeatedly refused to rule out short-lived ground-level operations by British forces. Mr Cameron’s words, in a television interview, led to renewed warnings of “mission creep” in Libya. . . . It is understood that British Special Forces soldiers […]

Tax Day 2011

It is no small irony that Tax Day came late this year because on Friday, Washington, D.C., celebrated “Emancipation Day.” The Lonely Conservative: Isn’t it nice to know that so many of our fellow Americans pay no federal taxes? The Associated Press article linked does not make clear that most of these non-taxpayers are low-income […]

‘Civility’ and Professor Krugman

Paul Krugman lives in a universe where reality is whatever liberals say it is. And he is now concerned that Democrats are being too civil. Without seeming to grasp the irony, Krugman writes: Eventually, of course, America must choose between these differing visions. And we have a way of doing that. It’s called democracy. Now, Republicans […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.18.11

TOP NEWS 45 Dead As Tornadoes Pound South, Midwest Tornado weather could persist through Easter Libyan Fighting Rages; Press In As Much Disarray As Rebels Does anybody really know WTF is going on? The press sure doesn’t TEPCO Lays Out Plan For Stabilizing Fukushima Reactors Crisis management over; utility plans to have reactors completely shut […]

Sunday Libya Update: Qaddafi Forces Strike Ajdabiya With Artillery Again

The see-saw struggle in eastern Libya has turned against the rebels once more, the U.K. Guardian reports: Muammar Gaddafi’s forces mounted a heavy assault on Libyan rebels holding the key town of Ajdabiya on Sunday in a sign that the regime is stepping up efforts to regain territory in the east of the country. Explosions […]

Rule 5 Sunday

Actually on a Sunday this week! The POH Diaries lead off this week with a nude shot of Kaley Cuoco from this month’s Allure, and close things out as well with some very nice pix of January Jones. Soylent Green offers cream in our coffee (I think he has that backwards) and follows it with […]

Shout Out To Article V Fans

by Smitty Nothing is perfect, even the U.S. Constitution. Even if it were perfect, it would still be of value to kick the tires, at least for the edification of the kickers. Some don’t like the Electoral College. There are some problems I see with the stealth movement to snuff the EC, though: The path […]

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