The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Snowbilly Grifter’? And Incest Jokes?

Decent Americans recoil in shock at the latest eruption of Palin Derangment Syndrome in which Wonkette’s Jack Steuf wrote: Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was […]

Note To 2012 Candidates: A Harder Line With The UN Is A Good Thing

by Smitty Managing the definitions is a crucial aspect of information dominance. It comes as little surprise that, a decade on from 9/11, the Altogether Foolish United Nations (A.F.U.N.) stands there, panties wadded, unable to define terrorism: The main hurdle, then as now, is the insistence by the bloc of Islamic states that any definition […]

Mommy Weirdest

“To describe [Stanley Ann] Dunham as a white woman from Kansas turns out to be about as illuminating as describing her son as a politician who likes golf. Intentionally or not, the label obscures an extraordinary story — of a girl with a boy’s name who grew up in the years before the women’s movement, […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 04.21.11

TOP NEWS Two Western Photojournalists Die In Misrata Killed by loyalist RPG fire Oscar-nominated Hetherington dies in Misrata Obama Tells Facebook Friends GOP Budget Will Punish Poor Calls Ryan’s proposal radical LA County Supervisor Calls For O’Malleys To Return, Take Charge Of Dodgers Suggestion follows MLB seizing control of team, ousting Frank McCourt POLITICS Homeland […]

French Will Send Military Advisers to Teach Libyan Rebels How to Surrender

And once they’ve learned proper French surrender techniques, then it’s time for Lesson Two: Collaborating with the enemy!

His and/or Her Equal Rights

One of my favorite subjects is the inexorable logic of “social justice.” I have suffered many slings and arrows (hello, Little Miss Attila) for arguing that once you embrace equality as a principle, this principle must inevitably lead you places you had not originally intended to go: Lyralisa Stevens, who was born male but lives […]

Charlie Sheen Agrees With Smitty

“I would disband the Fed, like now. Shut that motherf****r down now, and send the I.R.S. to prison.” — Charlie Sheen, in his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show Tuesday in Washington, D.C. While I’d have a hard time picturing Smitty banging seven-gram rocks of cocaine and cohabiting with two porn “goddesses,” when it comes to […]

Erickson Must Be Relatively Less Cynical Than Me

by Smitty Erick Erickson seems shocked, SHOCKED! that that GOP is ceding the tempo on the debt ceiling: Now the Democrats want to increase the limit on the national credit card instead of paying down the bill. They want a free pass to more spending. Instead, the Republicans should accept the fact that no matter […]

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