Ace of Spades and Bill Kristol
You’ve got to admit that’s a pretty cool mental image: Ace of Spades talking 2012 presidential politics with Bill Effing Kristol at the Breitbart book party. It’s probably just a mattter of time now before we see Kristol on TV telling Fred Barnes, “Well, I admit you’ve got a point there, Fred, but as Ace […]
FMJRA 2.0: Lost In America
‘Snowbilly Grifter’? And Incest Jokes? Da Tech Guy Parc Bench The Minority Report Hot Air Right Wing News Hateful Atrocity as Transvestite Beaten by Christian Fundamentalists. Oh, Wait … The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Republican Operative Instapundit Scared Monkeys The Ryan Budget The Daley Gator Sissypuss Has An Industrial Strength Tinfoil Hat Competition Entry […]
VIDEO: Victim of Beating Says McDonald’s Attackers ‘Spit in My Face’
You saw her get beaten, and now she speaks for herself: From the Baltimore Sun: A transgender woman brutally beaten at a Baltimore County McDonald’s spoke out on Saturday, saying that the attack was “definitely a hate crime” and that she’s been afraid to leave the house ever since. “They said, ‘That’s a dude, […]
Women Are Mean to Me
Little Miss Attila accuses me of advocating “sex-segregated Puritan libertinism.” What I was actually doing, of course, was having fun at the expense of spoilsport Caitlin Flanagan. But let’s face it: I have too much fun. Amanda Marcotte also decided to take a poke at me, for which I’m grateful, since she thereby called my attention […]
Noonan: Are You Feeling Sufficiently Guilty? If Not, I Can Aid
by Smitty Another Saturday, another Peggy Noonan column to fisk. In this episode, some hypothetical Afghan strawman shows up to judge America for its sins. For a far more hyperbolic take, see The Onion’s Election 2000 coverage.
Credit Where Due To The ACLU
by Smitty Part of being an anti-Alinsky is recognizing legitimate good work, even if by those with whom one is often antagonistic. So here’s a Good Onya to the ACLU, courtesy of Volokh, for pointing out that Free Speech is more important than anyone’s willingness to assume the bully posture over purported insults. Keep up […]
Libya: Qaddafi’s Forces Reportedly Withdrawing from Misrata
Note that this news is not yet confirmed: Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces began to withdraw from the besieged western city of Misurata on Saturday, a rebel spokesman said, the first stage of a plan announced by the government to turn the fighting there over to tribal supporters. As rebel leaders in the east claimed victory, […]
One Can Admire Norquist’s Sadism, But We’re Still Beating Around The Bush
by Smitty To raise the debt ceiling, or not? National Review has a bunch of opinions from the wise guys. I can imagine Sprinklerman listening to Norquist: My preference would be to keep the administration on a short leash and extend the debt limit by only a small amount and for a short period of […]
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