The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tax Day 2011

Posted on | April 18, 2011 | 3 Comments

It is no small irony that Tax Day came late this year because on Friday, Washington, D.C., celebrated “Emancipation Day.” The Lonely Conservative:

Isn’t it nice to know that so many of our fellow Americans pay no federal taxes?

The Associated Press article linked does not make clear that most of these non-taxpayers are low-income households, many of whom are exempted from taxation because of the child tax credits that are the one part of the “Bush tax cuts” nobody ever seems to talk about. As a father of six (our youngest was born in 2002, the year the credits took effect) I love those credits!

As for the Obama idea that we can balance the budget by hiking taxes on “millionaires and billionaires” — hey, do they teach math at Harvard Law School?

If there are any guilt-stricken billionaires out there who think their taxes are too low, just hit my tip jar. It’s for the children!


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