The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rush: ‘Cut To The Chase,’ a Tea Party Rallying Cry

Posted on | April 15, 2011 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

After about a half-hour outage, the network pipe seemed stable enough to grab some tuneage off of Amazon. Rush’s 1993 Counterparts has this essential cut. No matter how deep the rot revealed inside the Beltway, there just isn’t any excuse to give in to despair.

You may be right, It’s all a waste of time
I guess that’s just a chance I’m prepared to take
A danger I’m prepared to face
Cut to the chase.

‘Cut to the chase’ is my attitude about the bad news. We know it will suck twice as bad as we imagine, even when we double our estimate. That bad news shan’t improve over time. Our leaders are, as a group, a heap of FAIL. Bring it on, so we can be about improving things.
Also rallying a Tea Party: Gov. Sarah Palin. We really have to focus on getting Stacy to the Big Easy again. Just in case Sarah decides, you know, to make a little news or something.

Also rocking the Tea Parties, courtesy of The Blaze:


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