The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gone, Wisconsin!

Posted on | April 6, 2011 | 53 Comments

Joan Kloppenburg has declared victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election — apparently winning by a margin of 204 votes — and thus dies whatever hope there had been for the state’s economic and political future.

Gov. Scott Walker and the newly-elected Republican majority in the legislature had begun the only possible reform that could have saved Wisconsin: The disestablishment of the government employee unions that were strangling the state’s economy. Now, with a cleverly orchestrated campaign, the AFL-CIO has replaced state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser with a pro-union hack to block implementation of the GOP’s reform agenda.

What is interesting to note is that, in November, Walker was elected with 1.13 million votes — 52% of more than 2.1 million votes cast.

Now, barely five months later, his election has been effectively undone by Kloppenburg, who won with a mere 740,090 votes, roughly two-thirds of Walker’s November total.

It appears that nearly 400,000 people who voted for Walker in November simply stayed home on Tuesday. With their state’s future on the line, they were MIA.

Thus ends — gone! gone forever! — all hope of liberating Wisconsin from the job-killing government-union stranglehold.

Good-bye, Wisconsin!

UPDATE: Ace is remarkably stoic about the End of Wisconsin, while The Rhetorican foresees a Greece-like future for the Land O’ Cheese.


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