The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dan Collins Should Be Linked, And Often, And By Someone Who Knows How

Posted on | March 17, 2011 | 3 Comments

Please go visit Dan’s blog Piece of Work in Progress immediately and, if the spirit generosity should coincide with a few bucks in your account, hit that man’s tip jar.

My conscience was seared today when I recognized that I had failed to link Dan often enough. There was a blinding flash of recognition when someone sent me an e-mail with the subject line, “Best Rule 5 post ever.” Naturally, this intrigued me, and when I opened the e-mail, I saw it was a link to a post at Dan’s blog, the title of which I hesitate to repeat here.

Obviously, the state of traffic at Dan’s blog has reached crisis level — this was a cry for help, dear brothers and sisters — and we must do all we can to aid our brother in distress.


UPDATE: As always when these Rule-5-Gone-Amok cases arise, I blame myself. Grant that my own employment of the rule has sometimes crossed over the line separating Have-Another-Slice-of-Cheesecake from the realm of the Arguably Creeptastic.

That’s OK. My reputation is already so toxic anyway, there’s not really any harm left to do. But I feel bad when a genuinely good and decent person like Dan Collins finds himself in a traffic-trough and, succumbing to Blogger Mood Disorder, does a Rule 5 that offends someone I’m sure he did not mean to offend.

This would never have happened if I’d been linking Dan as often as I should. Mea culpa. Mea magna culpa.


UPDATE II: Instapundit reminds us that Dan is doing a soft-sell bleg, and you should not be put off by Dan’s protestations that he is unworthy of your generosity. Like Dan, I’ve contributed to the Japanese relief effort, and encouraged others to do the same, just as I have also called attention to the disappearance of Marizela Perez. But bloggers must also pay their bills or else they can’t keep blogging, and so I join Professor Reynolds in urging you to go feed the Kraken!


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