The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What Da Tech Guy Didn’t Mention About Herman Cain

Posted on | March 15, 2011 | 11 Comments

by Smitty

This blog and a lot of others are huge fans of Herman Cain because he’s the genuine article. As a result of surgeries, he might technically have less guts than Allen West, but they’re both men cut from classic American cloth, and I’m privileged to have met them.

While Da Tech Guy captures the current Cain news well in his Examiner column, he skips (likely for lack of space) some crucial back story:

I was raised in Atlanta, Georgia by loving and hardworking parents. We grew up poor, but we grew up happy. Things weren’t always easy, but my mom and dad knew that if they kept their faith in God, faith in themselves and their faith in the greatest country in the world, they, too, could achieve their American Dream.

That dream, we discovered, was for my parents to own their own home and watch their two sons graduate from college. Those dreams required that my father work three jobs to support our family.

The first dream was realized in a brick home on Albert Street. I can still recall the excitement of the day, as he surprised us—even my mother—when he drove us to our new home.

As the ship of state threatens to stack up on Socialist Shoal, and the people prefer Johnny Lang to Francis Scott Key, the POTUS who can avert disaster will be the one who can both articulate the danger and inspire the people to endure the higher sea state of open ocean liberty.

I think Cain is one of the stronger voices for that. As with Ross Perot, he is a political outsider. Unlike Ross Perot, Cain has more personality than a dented wastebasket.  The chief concern with Cain will be his health, which will make the VP choice even more crucial, should things progress so far.


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