The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Best VA Political Week Of The Year

Posted on | February 10, 2011 | 12 Comments

by Smitty

I know CPAC is at full roar, while I sit out in the cold, where I can catch enough bandwidth for a post.

What a week in VA news. Cuccinelli tilting the SCOTUS windmill-style for the ObamaCare case. VMI looking really creepy over Islam. And then ol’ “Born Fightin'” Webb decides that fighting for the wrong team is no’ so fun.

But what’s this at Virginia Virtucon? A Daft Jim Moran for Senate site? Get the fertilizer out of here, as they say. Cracking good idea, that. Here is a menu of 10 campaign slogans:

  1. “No one in Virginia knows public service like I do, especially not Patrick Murray.”
  2. “Like I told that Arab network, raaaaacism is a problem in the US, but I know how to solve it.”
  3. “The economy is recovering, and I will continue to exercise the 1st Amendment non-sensically until the statement becomes true.”
  4. “I greatly fear that redistricting is going to bring yet more voters to VA-8 who are not on the take from my various patronage schemes.”
  5. “Harry Reid said that if I win he would protect me from Jason Mattera.”
  6. “Corporations make too much money, and I can be instrumental in fair redistribution. Just ask me.”
  7. “PMA scandal? What PMA scandal? Old news.”
  8. “Oh, that vast office building on 395 that brought in all the jobs and really tubed the traffic? Amazingly, that’s Dick Cheney’s fault.”
  9. “If I run for the Senate and lose to Allen, that’s a less humiliating drubbing than the one I know will come in 2012 from Murray.”
  10. “They say I look and sound Kennedy-esque.”


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