The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Convicted Felon Stripper Gives Lap Dance, Gets Cocaine From Federal Judge

Posted on | November 20, 2010 | 11 Comments

You can’t make this stuff up:

A veteran federal judge who was arrested on charges that he bought and used drugs with a stripper pleaded guilty Friday to two-drug related charges, including a felony count of giving her cocaine even though he knew she was a convicted felon.
U.S. Senior Judge Jack T. Camp pleaded guilty to the felony charge of aiding and abetting a felon’s possession of cocaine when he bought drugs for the stripper, who was secretly cooperating with authorities. He also pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors: possession of illegal drugs and illegally giving the stripper his government-issued laptop.
Judge Camp, 67, faces up to four years in federal prison when he is sentenced March 4 . . .
Judge Camp’s relationship with the dancer . . . appears to have begun earlier this year when he received a lap dance from her — along with her phone number — at an Atlanta strip club, according to the affidavit.
Authorities say when they met the next day, he paid her to have sex with him and the two used cocaine together. Over the next few months, the two used cocaine and other drugs together at strip clubs and other places, and the judge would pay $40 to $50 to join her in getting high, according to the documents.
The relationship grew closer over the months. Prosecutors say the judge startled the stripper by following her to a suburban Atlanta house where she was buying drugs one day in June. She told authorities that he brought a semiautomatic handgun with him in case she needed protection, the affidavit said.

(Via Clarion Advisory.) As a general rule, any time you see the phrase “lap dance” in close promiximity to the phrase “federal judge,” don’t expect that story to have a happy ending.

May I should rephrase that . . .


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