The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good News, Bad News

Posted on | November 12, 2010 | 3 Comments

Good News: That wretched pedophile book I blogged about has been pulled from Amazon:

“The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct” was pulled from, a spokesman confirmed Thursday, after thousands of users posted angry comments and threats to boycott the site.
The self-published e-book was available on the site for download until late Wednesday for $4.79.

Bad News: The victim in a statutory rape case has committed suicide:

A statutory rape charge against an 18-year-old Michigan man who had sex with a 14-year-old girl has been dropped after the girl committed suicide, according to the Wayne County, Michigan, prosecutor’s office.
“Our witness was the evidence and her testimony was going to be our evidence in the case,” said Maria Miller, spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office. “Our heart goes out to the family in what is just a tragic case.”
The mother of Samantha Kelly made a tearful plea for justice on Wednesday after watching former defendant Joseph Tarnopolski go free.
“My daughter did not get any justice before this, and she is not getting justice now,” Kelly’s mother, June Justice, told reporters, according to CNN affiliate WDIV.

More background on this tragedy:

What started on Sept. 26 — according to police statements and reports — as a giggling teenage hook-up had spun wildly into a tragic mix of rape accusations, felony charges, overheated high school drama, taunting and ridicule. It ended Monday with death and a mother’s rage and grief. . . .
Things ratcheted up in October when Kelly told Fox2 News that she resisted the sex and that Tarnopolski wouldn’t let her leave.
The broadcast spread the word throughout the school, school officials said . . .
Factions soon developed. The day of his arraignment, a number of students at school wore shirts supporting him and others wrote “Joe’s Innocent” on their hands until school officials intervened.
Two kids were suspended for 10 days, Huron School District Superintendent Richard Naughton said.
Another student was disciplined for hitting Samantha with a clump of mud he pulled off his shoe. . . .
Samantha Huff, 16, said: “People were jerks to her. Everyone was talking about her at school.”

Schools are teaching kids to have “safe sex,” right? Somehow the risks of rape and suicide don’t seem to have been factored into their safety formulas.


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