The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Poll: Sean Bielat 63%, Barney Frank 31%

Posted on | October 23, 2010 | 17 Comments

OK, it’s merely an unscientific online poll at the Web site of the New Bedford Standard-Times, but that won’t reduce the shock factor for Democratic Party operatives when they see the headline via their Google alerts. Sometimes you just want to mess with their minds, for the pure outrageous hell of it.

In more serious news, Fleming and Hayes have photos of Barney Frank’s latest full-color mailer, the sentiment of which they sum up: “Vote for Barney Frank, he picks the nation’s pocket and brings it back to Massachusetts.”

That might actually be a winning argument, if only it were true. But the fact is that rich “blue” states like Massachusetts are net losers in the D.C. pork game, paying more in taxes than they receive in federal benefits. In 2005, Massachusetts got 82 cents in federal spending for every dollar in federal taxes, but Barney’s only interested in what’s good for Barney:

GOP challenger Sean Bielat slammed U.S. Rep. Barney Frank yesterday for grabbing more than $40,000 in campaign cash from banks that received federal bailouts — despite the congressman’s own pledge to refuse that dough.
“The rules never apply to Barney — even Barney’s own rules,” said Bielat, whose surging campaign prompted Frank to pump $200,000 of his own cash into his run.
The Herald reported yesterday that Frank accepted $40,000 from bank executives and other special interests that cashed in on the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Read the whole thing. Barney complains to ABC News that he’s the victim of a “flood of right-wing money“:

If Bielat can beat Barney, there are no safe seats for Democrats.



17 Responses to “Poll: Sean Bielat 63%, Barney Frank 31%”

  1. Steven
    October 23rd, 2010 @ 7:46 pm

    Emewgenthy! Emewgenthy!

    Depwoy the hecklwing boyfwiend to casth athperthions at Biewat’th chawactew!!

  2. 10th
    October 26th, 2010 @ 8:39 am

    Studies done at Yale and Princeton and others have shown that OptiScan machines can be pre-programmed in a matter of minutes. When your local clerk receives the machines and chips where are they kept? Who has access to your clerk’s office before and after the election. I bet it includes members of you local Democratic Town Committee.
    the only check against manipulatioon of the machines is to physically inspect and count the ballots. But where do the ballots go after the election? Who has custody of them?
    What about the ‘blank’ ballots that do not get used? In some case they have ‘disappeared’. But, accounting for the blanks is as important as the used ballots.
    I was told of a case where an entire box of used ballots disappeared for over an hour.
    Watch you r polls – make sure machines, chips, ballots are secure.
    The stakes are too high for the Dembots – they will do anything to win.