The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

One Bright Ray Amid the Gloom

Posted on | October 2, 2010 | 51 Comments

Regular readers are by now aware that (a) my friends got invited to speak at Smart Girl Summit while I did not, and (b) the blog went kablooey today. Things have been going from bad to worse ever since that deer killed my car, and the situation now seems so impossibly hopeless that all I can do is joke about it while each new humiliation is piled atop the Towering Heap o’ Shame.

Yet after calculating the distance to the George Washington Bridge, I decided to check Memeorandum and saw this headline:

Breaking: Rick Sanchez fired from CNN

Thanks for that news, Allah Who Never Links Me. Why was Sanchez fired? Ed Who Links Me Once in a While quotes what Sanchez told a radio talk-show host:

I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like [Jon] Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.

Here I am, at that nadir of discouragement where it feels as if the entire universe is conspiring to humiliate me, and never once did I attempt to single out a culprit.

My failure is, alas, entirely my own. Because I suck.

Meanwhile, here’s Mr. Hotshot TV Anchor taking potshots at a comedian and saying, Those Jews Are All In On It!

The beauty of the universe is sometimes so ironic — and the ironies often so beautiful — that some of us detect in it evidence of divine intervention.

God? Yeah, he’s Jewish, too.

And what a comedian!

(BTW, among the features rendered inoperable by the site malfunction: The tip jar, which could use some shekels.)

P.S: If any of our Zionist Media Overlords are looking to hire an award-winning journalist, feel free to drop me an e-mail. This business of being America’s Least-Respected Conservative Blogger™ is beginning to bum me out and, if it helps to establish my credentials as a ger toshav, I’ll point out that I was a finalist for the 2009 Malkin Award.

UPDATE: Pamela Geller reminds us that this isn’t the first such situation for CNN:

Who can forget Octavia Nasr, who was forced to resign after tweeting about weeping over the the death of grand jihadist Hezb’Allah Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah?

Considering the context of Sanchez’s remark, it seems that what he was doing was playing that popular liberal game, “Who’s the Bigger Victim?”

Sanchez pointed out that Stewart had grown up in an affluent suburb by way of disparaging any notion that Jews have a plausible claim to victim status. Whereas Sanchez grew up in a rat-infested slum the suburbs of Miami. Hr was subsequently persecuted prosecuted for being Hispanic driving drunk when he paralyzed a man in a hit-and-run accident.

No doubt, Rick Sanchez is at least the second-biggest victim of his own stupidity.


51 Responses to “One Bright Ray Amid the Gloom”

  1. Lisa Graas
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:02 am

    We love you, RS McCain, because you are a manly man blogger, without whom the blogosphere would be a dark void of political ignorance.

  2. garden brinjal
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:08 am

    My failure is, alas, entirely my own. Because I suck.

    RSM sounds more and more like Tim Andrews.

  3. Robert Stacy McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:15 am

    @garden brinjal:

    RSM sounds more and more like Tim Andrews.

    No, I still sound like me. You, on the other hand, are starting to sound like the banished troll gg/waylay.

  4. JeffS
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:20 am

    garden brinjal sounds like every other half-witted troll with delusions of intellectual superiority and the gift of witty repartee.

    Which is to say, like nearly all of them.

  5. TR Sterling
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:43 am

    Stacy, just think of how nice it was to sit on Todd Palin’s lap and soak up that AK hospitality. And have some gratitude that you are not in a blog flame war with any of the known meanies on the net (so counterproductive). And remember as JeffS mentions and I paraphrase: sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you dont.

  6. Rob
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 2:04 am

    Before you get hired by Zionist overlord I request you cover Star Parker or the John Dennis campaign.

    You do have the best manly-man blog on the web.

    I nominate it.

  7. Robert Stacy McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 2:15 am

    I request you cover Star Parker or the John Dennis campaign.

    I’ve already covered John Dennis’s campaign. You probably didn’t notice because I suck.

    Star Parker is a friend of mine, and has never asked me to cover her campaign, because I suck.

    Is there a pattern evident here?

  8. That's Mrs. Conservative to You, and Other Random Ramblings | The Lonely Conservative
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 2:19 am

    […] isn’t easy. It entails sleepless nights, little pay and, more times than I can count, hurt feelings. Please be sure to help your favorite bloggers out by leaving comments and spreading the word. We […]

  9. Jeff Weimer
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 3:10 am

    Dude, Stacy. You don’t suck. You might feel you’re in a slow spot, but you’re doing just fine.

  10. Estragon
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 3:30 am

    I hate to see you get down on yourself. That’s MY job – is it another crumb the Obama economy has snatched away from me?

    There can be no shame in being America’s Most Underrated Blogger. As they say in the Services, “Embrace the suck.” Make it work for you; wear it as a badge of honor. Market it:


    “You saw it on their blog. They saw it on mine.”

    “The Real McCain.”

    “The One They Don’t Mention – Or Miss!”

    “The Tesla of the Blogosphere.”

    To a hip-hoppity beat:

    “He’s the Other McCain
    Bringing the pain
    And promotin’ Jim DeMint
    Against the establishment
    But the peeps don’t know
    His part of the show
    Because his ugly profile
    Is kept so low
    But he works every hour
    To speak truth to power
    ’cause he just don’t care
    And he never gets invited
    His presence is rejected
    His name disrespected
    But he keeps getting the
    Right people elected
    While the same sad sacks
    Who learned from his lessons
    Won’t give him the props
    Due his profession

    (fade out with annoying bass beat)

  11. Brian Paasch
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 4:41 am

    Memo to Mrs. The Other McCain:

    Your husband could use some, um, quality time with you tonight. And in the morning, tell him to put on his boots, tighten his belt and get his butt back on the battlefield.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

  12. Live Free Or Die
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 7:04 am

    Maybe Jesse Jackson is RIGHT, “This is a Depression…” I agree with Brian, Mrs. Other McCain needs to do an intervention of such magnitude that it’s capable of carrying him straight through to Nov. 2nd.

    God may not be Jewish, but I hear His Only Begotten Son is. And what a comedian! That, “Straining at gnats, and swallowing camels”. Priceless!

    Remember Rick Sanchez, it’s a recession when the Jewish guy next door loses his job, it’s a depression when the self-absorbed shmuck like yourself, loses his job.

  13. Rich Crowther
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 7:08 am

    Never forget that you alone are Bob the Bold.

    Being trapped in The Towering Heap of Shame is as nothing. It is not the end of your adventures; it is not even the beginning of the end.

    You are tenacious!

  14. Joe
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 8:29 am
  15. Robert Stacy McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 9:08 am

    Joe: Depression is a mood disorder, a form of mental illness wherein people feel bad without reason.

    What I have is a mood order. My brain is perfectly healthy. My problem is the tsunami of negative feedback that amounts to an urgent telegram from the cosmos bearing the message: You suck.

  16. ray
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 9:20 am

    Hang in there. I just started reading the blog on a regular basis a couple of weeks ago. Stopped reading HA after it sold.

  17. 18 Taliban Killed by AOSHQ Jokes, Hellfire Missiles From Predator Drones : The Other McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 9:49 am

    […] Ace. I’d let you borrow one of mine, but I’m not one of those people who are ”known primarily for their funny work.” var addthis_product='wpp-250';var addthis_append_data='false';var addthis_language='en';var […]

  18. Robert Stacy McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 10:09 am

    Stopped reading HA after it sold.

    Thanks for the encouragement. The inexplicable thing to me about Hot Air is that (a) I’m on their blogroll, (b) I’m a Green Room contributor, and yet (c) not only do they never link me, but (d) they won’t even accept my trackbacks when I link them.

    Before Michelle sold Hot Air, every time I saw her, I’d always ask, “Why does Allah hate me?” She never had an answer. But nothing I did in the Green Room was ever good enough for Allah to put on the front page, not even as a link in the headlines. So after a while, I stopped contributing to the Green Room. Nobody even noticed.

    Just further confirmation — as if confirmation were needed — that I suck.

  19. Chuck
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 10:16 am

    Ouch, Stacy McCain is on Smart Girl Summit #1 banned list? Duh! go ask Dana Loesch. 24 May 2010 … Are you saying that, inter alia, Tabitha Hale and Dana Loesch are less attractive … @RSM, Must you bring up TH? ;)… Bro unpardonable, you cut her deep, you really cut her deep… Tweet ASAP peacemaker Michael Buckman.

  20. Joe
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 12:24 pm
  21. Randy Rager
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 12:28 pm

    Gardenbrinjal is gg/waylay, and I for one am sick of his shit.

  22. JeffS
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:23 pm

    Just further confirmation — as if confirmation were needed — that I suck.

    Actually, Allahpundit is the one who sucks, Stacy. I still read HA, but because of Ed, not AP.

    Oh, AP is prolific in his postings, and there are gems of wisdom to be found therein because he is a good analyst. But his prose reads as some sort of “cut&paste”, and it’s an effort to winnow out the information from the entertainment.

    You, on the other hand, write very well, and can present the information in a clear, concise fashion……with loads of entertainment in the process. I say this as a professional wherein reading and writing are my primary means of communication. I typically have huge amounts of dreck that I have to wallow through to get what I need to do my job. On a daily basis. And usually on very short notice.

    On the other hand, you, sir, are a pleasure to read. You present relevant news in a timely manner, in a fashion that is both informative and a pleasure to read. I’ll pop this website up at the job just so my synapses are reminded what *REAL* communication looks like.

    AP remains anonymous to this day, so I’m forced to speculate that AP doesn’t like you much because you are a better writer than he is. I also think that you are a better analyst as well. And, frankly, you and he do not see eye-to-eye politically on some matters, and he can get testy about that, I’ve noticed.

    I’d also like to say that, at this time in my career, that I’ve come to the conclusion that I suck as well. Not because I don’t know what to do in my job, or because I don’t do it well. It’s because I do not connect well with my professional peers, some of whom I’ve known for years. They’ve chosen approaches to addressing problems that I find appalling. The reasons for their choices range from personal to political (literally, in at least one case).

    Perhaps I am too idealistic in this regards. But I can actually point to a set of professional standards (in most cases), and note that I am not speaking theoretically.

    I believe that this may be similar to your situation, in some ways at least, and so you have my sympathies.

    Because it’s not that you or I truly suck. In my case, it’s self-doubt that I made the wrong decisions, and it’s too late to turn back. I hope this helps you understand your feelings of deep suckitude.

    But you do good work, Stacy. Don’t stop now!

  23. garden brinjal
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 1:38 pm

    On gardening… you can’t grow brinjals in the shade of a mountain.

    @Randy Rager

    So you can’t let it go huh Randy? You worry to much about your “image” dude. Sad it’s true, but gosh darn it all it’s also fun in a way; like watching an unjustifiably conceited little monkey, on a beach wearing a fedora, getting offended because he’s called a filthy animal. You are a hoot Randy. Now chop chop little monkey! Jump up! Get on the ball and play your little hurdy-gurdy tune. It’s swell little guy. C’mon don’t leave me hangin’.

  24. Robert Stacy McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 3:25 pm


    At the time of the Nikki Haley/Will Folks drama, it was Bob Belvedere who said:

    What if the gal looked like Alyssa Milano or Christina Hendricks? Huh! What would do then, pal?

    To which I replied:

    Are you saying that, inter alia, Tabitha Hale and Dana Loesch are less attractive than those women?
    Not that Tabitha or Dana would throw themselves at me — they’ve managed to restrain themselves so far. . . .
    At the very least, it takes two to tango, and the idea of a man being the innocent victim of a sex-crazed Republican woman . . . Sorry, I don’t buy it.
    For all of Tabitha Hale’s attractions, I think I could fight her off if I had to, even if she put a gun to my head: “Go ahead and pull the trigger, sweetheart — my wife will kill me anyway. Death before dishonor!”

    All of which was flattering to Mrs. Loesch and Miss Hale. And they are to be praised further for their continued restraint of the insatiable passion that I so notoriously inspire in the fair sex.

    Don’t hate me for being irresistible

  25. Wondering Jew
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 5:53 pm

    As the Resident Jew among regular commenters. . . .

    I find it personally embarrassing/disturbing that we don’t all immediately realize a certain ahem “irony” here. That doesn’t mean Sanchez isn’t an idiot– he is– but not necessarily because of most of what he said here.

    Look, the reality is that the elite American media is in many senses dominated (and at the very least has a very heavy influence from) Jews who have very similar social, ideological, and economic backgrounds –as Sanchez observed. Observing that is not Anti-Semitism– it’s an easily verifiable empirical fact. Now we can debate whether that’s a good thing, a terrible thing or whether it doesn’t really matter. And we can debate why Jews are so heavily over-represented in these roles– and frankly we. might learn something from doing so.

    But the fact, that someone can be immediately fired from a prestige job for observing something this obvious is reason number 1,286,343 why the country is going to hell in a handbasket. The fact that my co-ethnics are happy to engage in this sort of McCarthyism does not make me happy.

    Stacy has rightly decried the left’s shameless misuse of terms like “Racism” and “Homophobia” as a way to silence legitimate debate. I feel the same way about “Anti-Semitism” at least in this context.

    Sanchez may be an idiot, but his firing under these circumstances is nothing that we on the right should celebrate.

  26. Randy Rager
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 6:54 pm

    On gardening… you can’t grow brinjals in the shade of a mountain.

    @Randy Rager

    So you can’t let it go huh Randy? You worry to much about your “image” dude. Sad it’s true, but gosh darn it all it’s also fun in a way; like watching an unjustifiably conceited little monkey, on a beach wearing a fedora, getting offended because he’s called a filthy animal. You are a hoot Randy. Now chop chop little monkey! Jump up! Get on the ball and play your little hurdy-gurdy tune. It’s swell little guy. C’mon don’t leave me hangin’.

    Who the fuck are you to criticize anyone? You’ve already been banned twice from one of the most tolerant comment sections on the internet!