The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Greetings from Wasilla

WASILLA, Alaska — Just a quick note. I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes and have to run. Earlier today, I Tweeted the results of a poll: EXCLUSIVE: MURKOWSKI 37% (IF LIBERTARIAN), MILLER 31%, MCADAMS 19% But I got that news while I was at a Taco Bell in Eagle River and couldn’t blog […]

The Joys Of Travel

by Smitty McCain is off to Wasilla, and I’m off to see my mother-in-law, a lovely German lady, on the occasion of her birthday. I have the camcorder along, and hope to coax her to re-enact my last arrival. There was some street work underway, requiring my wife, D., to park some blocks off. Mother-in-law […]

At The Patrick Murray Campaign Office Opener Part 1

by Smitty Last night I was at the Murray For Congress campaign office opener. A piper played

Sarah Palin Calls MSM Reporters ‘Impotent, Limp, and Gutless’

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Just as I was packing up here, I saw that The Right Scoop had audio of an interview Sarah Palin did with Sean Hannity: By the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to Wasilla. Pray for me, and please remember the five most important words in the English language: […]

‘Recovery Summer’ Sure To Go Viral

by Smitty (via Insty) It just kept building, and the final graphic and background clip had me in a full-on guffaw: Would that the context wasn’t so serious.

Meet Team Joe

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Yesterday I dropped by the Joe Miller campaign office, where the staff was busy gearing up for the Nov. 2 general election. Two top members of Team Joe took time to talk: Continuing a theme we started yesterday, let’s take a look at the front page of this morning’s local paper: Notice […]

Delaware Castle Under Siege

by Smitty Via the ever-detailed Swing State Project, a lefty blog that gives good detail, Hotline On Call reports of Mike Castle: The Republican has purchased $113K worth of airtime before the primary. Castle is facing off against Christine O’Donnell on Sept. 14 in the GOP primary for Delaware’s open Senate seat. . . . […]

Will Libertarians Decry The Boston Tea Party?

by Smitty (h/t Dan Riehl) I was just listening to the Levin rant, which is a must-hear. Levin starts with the Boston Tea Party. Dumping the tea into Boston Harbor was a gross violation of private property. That’s a cute historical point, but, if those Bostonians had been fully committed to Libertarian navel-gazing, we’d still […]

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