The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Weigel on Delaware

Dave Weigel is a native of Delaware and has a feature at Slate about the Senate campaign between Mike Castle and Christine O’Donnell. He explains last week’s onslaught of negative attacks on O’Donnell: When she declined to stand aside for Castle, who’s been eying an open Senate seat for years, the party ignored her. It […]

Expect A Typically Torpid Tea Party Take On That

by Smitty Uncoverage has an important post concerning our Progressive Overlords and the shiny new ways they will offer for us all to help with the financial crisis: “Obama Administration Begins the “Grab” for Private Retirement Accounts“. That is an unfortunate title, no? I mean, given the amazingly high trust levels built up by the […]

The Delivery, With Claire Berlinski

by Smitty Jimmie Bise’s The Sundries Shack gives us The Delivery, featuring Margaret Thatcher biographer Claire Berlinski. There Is No Alternative sounds like a great read (I wish list everything, then go on a spree later). The chat interface for the podcast probably makes sense to whoever wrote it. I waded through the login and […]

Clueless Klein, Or, Why Congress Recalls A Toilet

by Smitty Reboot Congress points to a particularly ignorant 17th Amendment outing by Ezra Klein, who either cannot or will not explore the reasons why giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys (O’Rourke). Congress these days recalls a toilet. Not the bowl full of the unmentionable, […]

Labor Day Is Over . . .

. . . marking the official end of “Recovery Summer”: (Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll.) Meanwhile, there’s good news and bad news: The good news is, the media have identified three endangered Democrat incumbents in Virginia. The bad news: Jim Moran isn’t one of them. Don’t be dismayed, however. Smitty keeps pounding hard for Patrick Murray, whose […]

Were His Policies A Dog, We Should Shave Its Rump And Train It To Walk Backward

by Smitty (h/t Bluegrass Pundit) Speaking of ‘back words’, listen to the President try to sound all capitalist and whatnot: It seems the rhetorical device is to throw out some fuzzy capitalistic bait, and then segue to a sympathy play about how much ‘they’ pick on him. As you read more about how utterly calculated […]

Terrorism on Four Hooves

Victim of the whitetail jihad: This was not an accident. This was a premeditated suicide attack on my 2004 KIA Optima. The Islamicists hate us for our freedom. The deer hate us for our Korean sedans. Although, of course, it was the deer that was K.I.A. (Notice the tufts of fur stuck in the grill.) […]

Glenn Wilson vs. the Mob

I know nothing about Glenn Wilson, an independent candidate in Michigan’s 1st Congressional District, but he was certainly smart to get Ladd Ehlinger Jr. to produce this memorable campaign video: Update (Smitty): Stacy, either my head ‘sploded, or Don Dino, up whose nose the viewer nearly crawls, is Evan Sayet, after whose Heritage talk two years […]

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