The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Meghan McCain Has Lost the Gays . . .

. . . then the only people who still have to pretend to like her are liberals: That’s a Tweet from Christopher Barron, chairman of the gay conservative organization GOProud, which is sponsoring the upcoming “Homocon” event with Ann Coulter in New York City. (John Hawkins has an interview with Barron at Right Wing News.) […]

A Smear Too Far

In “How to Write an Anti-Palin Hit Piece,” I quoted a source who described the cheap-and-easy method by which reporters get those “anonymous sources” to provide them with fodder for their stories. Vanity Fair‘s Michael Gross today lashed out at his critics and claimed, among other things, that Gina Loudon is lying about him. That’s […]

Groan: Murkowski as Write-In?

There’s no chance she could actually win — how many voters can spell “Murkowski”? — so this would be a pure spoiler move: Sen. Lisa Murkowski is strongly considering mounting a November write-in campaign to keep her seat and could make an announcement as soon as tomorrow, according to a source with knowledge of the […]

Twittering Obama’s Speech

Continuing my Book of Job-style woes — e.g., the antlered jihadi that destroyed my car — today our local Internet provider crashed just as President Obama was beginning his Ohio speech. Through the miracle of Twitter, however, I was able to offer commentary via cell phone: Between having my car totalled — the insurance company […]

I Am Bummed To Have Missed The Murray/Moran Debate

by Smitty This opening speech is made of solid gold awesome. It is an honor to support Col. Patrick Murray a candidate that simply, calmly, honorably rocks like the new hotness: And what might the old and tired opposition, “Gentleman” Jim Moran look like? “I get it. I know a lot of you are here […]

Your All-Dan-Riehl Daily Delaware Republican Senate Primary Update

Dan Riehl has been been on the warpath against Mike Castle and Castle’s “conservative” supporters: Castle’s “F” rating from the NRA. Linking Mark Levin’s latest takedown. Spanking Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff. Linking Melissa Clouthier’s takedown. Spanking NRO’s Jonah Goldberg. Highlighting Castle’s support for an Obama-backed bill to regulate campaign advertising. Defenestrating NRO’s Jim Geraghty. And finally, Dan links Tammy […]

Will One In Four Go To One In Five?

by Smitty (the Corner) The notion of ‘tax cuts’ seems worth revisiting. The idea that the Federal government has eminent domain over all US wallets, while enshrined in the 16th Amendment, is increasingly repugnant. Now we have a President, of whom roughly one in four strongly approve, talking about even further wrong-headed action against the […]

Obligatory Charlie Crist TV Ad

Totally poached from Hot Air: “At the end of the day, there’s only one party I work for . . . Charlie Crist” — which pretty much sums up the selfishness of these unprincipled backstabbing closet-case RINO types. But why bring Mike Castle into this?

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