The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DaTechGuy Double Dose

by Smitty This blog and DaTechGuy form something of a mutual admiration society. Besides being a thoroughgoing gentleman, he also was also kind enough to opine on Erik Erickson and Matt Kibbe, who opened the BlogCon thoughtful remarks. Erickson had offered an anecdote about a decent neighbor who had been neighborly until discovering that Erik […]

Exclusive Video: Pudding Presentation At BlogCon Humor Panel

by Smitty Guick grab on the phone, sorry about the sound quality. The panel, L-R, was Ace, Snark and Boobs, Iowahawk, and Caleb “FunnyNameGoesHere” Howe. Pudding is a running joke on Ace, which see.

Prelude To Remembrance

by Smitty The 10th of September is a suitable day to take the readers on a heavy journey. It’s not a cemetery, but, every time one goes into Memorial Hall at the US Naval Academy, one makes no effort whatsoever to hold back the tears. As you ascend the stairs, the words of Captain Lawrence, […]

Blog Con: Born to Be Wild

Tabitha Hale likes to ride the big hogs. And also enjoys motorcycles. Ace of Spades, Lori “Snark and Boobs” Ziganto, Dave “Iowahawk” Burge and Caleb “Don’t Have a Nickname” Howe on the afternoon “Humor in Blogging” panel discussion, which was a lot funnier than this photo might suggest. Matt Kibbe explains Friedrich Hayek’s Austrian theory […]

Ah, The Narrative Shifts

by Smitty After Sarah Palin’s “Biggest Gamble“, endorsing Christine O’Donnell, frequent commenter Kn@ppster posits: Strange race … Two big-government Republicans, one running as the GOP establishment candidate even though he frequently bucks the party line, the other one running as the anti-GOP-establishment candidate by emphasizing how much more GOP-establishment-friendly her positions are than his. Interesting […]

Unlike Stacy, Smitty Needs His Beauty Sleep

by Smitty Thanks, Tabitha! Tom blogs at VA Right, and Tabitha is mostly too busy for such. Last night’s reception at the Crystal City Sheraton answered the question: if bloggers were Trekkies, would Scott Ott be Spock, Stephen Green be McCoy, and Bill Whittle be Kirk? No: nobody was weird enough to ask that question. […]

Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Robocalls for Castle?

What kind of campaign does the GOP establishment wage against challengers? Scorched earth: The Republican Party of Delaware has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission, accusing one of its own Senate candidates of illegally collaborating with the Tea Party Express. Attorneys for the state party asked the FEC to launch an immediate and […]

Dixie Rising

“If the question is which state has changed most in the last half-century, the answer might be California. But if the question is which state has changed most for the better, the answer might be South Carolina.”

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