The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What’s Up With Bob Etheridge and Cows?

For the record, no one has suggested — not even so much as hinted — that Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) has a relationship with his cattle that some might call “unnatural.” But when a congressman leaves a meeting with his constituents because he wants to spend “quality time” with his cows . . . well, […]

A Fine Point Of Correction For Thrasymachus

by Smitty Over on the Meghan McCain appreciation thread, Thrasymachus offers the following: Meghan is a juvenile egomaniac and attention whore, just like her father. Sir, there is a difference between juvenile and Juvenal, whose birthday roughly equates to that of Meghan’s father. Subtle, I know. Anyway, back to the video editing. Come back in […]

Why Christine O’Donnell Is Surging: Three Ads From Tea Party Express

O’Donnell’s unexpected last-minute surge in the Delaware GOP Senate primary has caught some people flat-footed. How did this happen? It’s simple: For the first time, RINO Mike Castle is being called to account for his record with a series of hard-hitting ads (two on TV and one on radio) from the Tea Party Express: Let’s […]

The Most Crucial County Council Election in 5,000 Years of Human Civilization

The primary is tomorrow, and it is impossible to overstate the importance of Mike Calpino’s campaign in Wicomico County, Maryland. Mike is a visionary statesman who is destined for greatness. That’s Mike and his teenage daughter Rachel at yesterday’s 9/12 Taxpayers March on Washington, which sort of explains the “visionary statesman” part. You see, Mike […]

Hey, Has Anybody Else Noticed That Meghan McCain Is Intensely Stupid?

“It is impossible to read Dirty, Sexy Politics and come away with the impression that you have read anything other than the completely unedited ramblings of an idiot. . . . That a graduate of Columbia University, as Ms. McCain purports to be, produced writing this shoddy is bad; that a publishing company let this […]

Ace of Spades Interviews Ladd Ehlinger

This is two weeks old, but I hadn’t seen it before, and it’s 31 flavors of pure awesomeness: One of my favorite people interviewing another one of my favorite people, and look at where Ladd lists his “top five Don’ts” for Republicans: 1) Stop concentrating on the sure wins. 2) Stop thinking a district is […]

Polls Are Not Predictions

Paul Mirengoff of Powerline — a nice guy, whom I’ve met a few times — defends himself against Mark Levin’s criticism over the Delaware GOP Senate primary. Rather than to get into the middle of that, let me pull out a few phrases from Mirengoff’s post as illustrative of a more general dispute: I then argued that, […]

Another Atlas Shrugged Moment

While I was covering the rally in Washington yesterday, I spotted this poster in the crowd: Recognizing the source of the phrase, I interviewed the lady with the sign, and that provided the lede for my latest column at The American Spectator: Brianna Aubin stood in the front row of the rally on the West Lawn […]

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