Stacy Is 28 Miles Out Of Dover
by Smitty I just got off the phone with him. He’ll be setting up The World’s Funkiest Laptop and offering full election coverage. Can we anticipate a Joe Miller-esque RINOplasty in Delaware? Stay tuned. Stacy blogs like he drives.
GOP Slime Time
Jim Greer, the corrupt former Florida GOP chairman who tried to rig the Senate primary for his RINO buddy Charlie Crist, apparently decided that trashing Republicans might help him stay out of prison: “Unfortunately, I found that many within the GOP have racist views and I apologize to the President for my opposition to his […]
VIDEO: 9/12 DC VA Attorney General Cuccinelli Intro And Speech
by Smitty There are insufficient superlatives available for Ken Cuccinnelli. If you only have time for one, try “3 of 4” below. Felice is a fine speaker in her own right, offering important ObamaCare insights: The Rousing conclusion of the Cuccinelli intro. ObamaCare is the greatest erosion of liberty in his life. He invokes Patrick […]
Delaware Fever: Catch It!
OK, how crazy has the Delaware GOP Senate primary gotten? Crazy enough that it prompted one ill-informed reader to send Michelle Malkin an e-mail accusing her of supporting Mike Castle and — wait for it — also saying that Allahpundit is her husband. Never mind the absurdity of that last one. The ill-informed reader’s assertion […]
VIDEO: 9/12 DC Brazilian Momma Grizzly Roar
by Smitty I’m not saying that Ana Puig, of Kitchen Table Patriots is only worth listening to because she’s an attractive lady: I’m not saying that, when you consider Tito Munoz, and Cuban immigrants I’ve seen elsewhere, and Ana’s speech, there is a pattern emerging of people who have escaped tyranny elsewhere, particularly in Latin […]
VIDEO: 9/12 DC Andrew Breitbart
by Smitty Andrew was his loveably caffeinated self at 9/12, and this blog takes pride in its shameless appreciation of his efforts. For some reason, clip 7 and the mention of Katie Couric is the must-see, though enjoy the whole thing. He stars with a media shout out and laughably near-sighted attendance count: Constitutional Übergeeks […]
‘Destructive’! ‘Capricious’! ‘Irresponsible!’
No, Charles Krauthammer was not talking about Meghan McCain’s Dirty Sexy Politics: Thanks to The Right Scoop for the video. Note that Krauthammer states as a fact that Christine O’Donnell will lose the general election. But why, then, did Krauthammer support John McCain, who lost so disastrously in 2008? Krauthammer’s certainty that Mike Castle would be a […]
VIDEO: 9/12 DC Mike Pence Speech
by Smitty Mike Pence was the ranking speaker of the day. Very easy to edit, and served up in seven pieces a tartar for your red meat delectation, 51, 281, and 1: Clip 2 unambiguously calls for ObamaCare repeal: We don’t consent to runaway Federal spending. No new taxes: Reid his Pelosi. No new […]
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