The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Note To The Mini At US-50 And Gallows

by Smitty I hope the experience of entering an intersection you had no hope of clearing before your light went red, and then having your escape cut off by those of us going West on US-50 was sufficiently traumatic. Our roads are filled with creeps like you, who think that there is no need to […]

BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot Himself

While I was toiling in defense of Christine O’Donnell’s criticism of coed dorms, the Progressive Orgy Room was going berserk again: Back in 1996, when then-Speaker Newt Gingrich’s finances were being investigated, O’Donnell complained that people were on a witch hunt to find anything to get Gingrich, instead of paying attention to serious ethics scandals […]

Once Again, Christine O’Donnell Is Right: Coed Dormitories Are a Very Bad Idea

Yesterday, I took notice of Rachel Maddow’s snide attack on Christine O’Donnell for having had the temerity to say, in 1996, that masturbation violates biblical injunctions against lust. It goes without saying that Maddow is heedless of biblical injunctions (e.g., Romans 1:18-32), as is her right in a free society, yet what struck me was the […]

The New Democrat Party Logo Revealed

by Smitty We’ve long been fans of the graphical snark at No Sheeples Here. She even left us a little room to collaborate on her latest outing: Thanks, NSH! As for the Democrat Party, well, at least they’re in character. Nothing like Yet Another Attempt At Substituting Style For Substance (YAAASSFS) to give us an […]

Stinging Rebuke Of Stephen Kruiser’s Twitter Philosophy

by Smitty Despite the oracular utterances of The Kruiser, Frank J. Fleming offered a pithy rebuttal today, on Twitter, of course:

Fein to GOP Old Guard: WAKE UP!

Guest Op-Ed by MATTIE FEIN Republican nominee for California’s 36th District Karl Rove’s recent rant on Christine O’Donnell’s Senatorial primary win proves the Old Guard of the GOP needs to wake up. Voters in 2010 are not being swayed by the anointment of the Good Ol’ Boys in the GOP’s picks to run for office. […]

Dear Rachel Maddow: How Often Should We Shake Hands With Mister Happy?

Professor William Jacobson has accused you, Miss Maddow, of “sexualizing” Christine O’Donnell, which may elicit some unfortunate mental images, so let’s not go there, OK? However, reasonable people of goodwill might wonder what political advantage you hoped to gain for the Progressive Wanker Community by calling attention to Miss O’Donnell’s youthful career as an advocate of sexual purity, […]

RINOplasty Reach ‘Round

by Smitty Stacy is rather tied down with impersonating a husband and father, so he asked for a special mid-week reach ’round for all of the absolutely sporting blogs who have made the last three days most righteous for traffic, indeed. It looks like supporting the O’Donnell campaign took up a few posts: PALIN ENDORSES […]

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