Democrat Chris Coons Turns Down Delaware Tea Party Group Debate
The First State Patriots, a major 9/12 group in Delaware, will be hosting a candidate forum tonight: Our next meeting will be on Monday, September 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Frog Hollow Golf Clubhouse in Middletown, DE. This month’s featured panel will be those candidates that successfully win their primaries on September 14th for national […]
Ready for Some Class Warfare?
Instapundit links to Jim Hoft talking about this New York Times story: President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a national advertising campaign that would cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists, […]
Rule 5 Sunday, Ye Lubbers
by Smitty Aye, ’tis Talk Like A Pirate Day. On the high seas, as a proud member of the US Navy, I be more aboot ventilating pirates than bespeaking me audience as such. But, like with your Rule 5 post, we’re not about takin’ ourselves too seriously here, are we? But we’ve the devil to […]
A Short List . . .
. . . of Astoundingly Stupid Things No Conservative Blogger in His Right Mind Would Ever Even Think About Doing: Publish posts conflating “neocons” and “Jews” in such a way as to provoke accusations of anti-Semitism. Respond to such accusations by publishing deranged rants against Jews. Get into hateful public pissing matches with Ace of […]
‘Help Beat Those Racist Teabaggers!’ Says Democrat Spokesman Arshad Hasan
All it takes is a click on a Web site to sign up for the Democracy For America (DFA) list that sends e-mails like this to your inbox: Robert – Have you watched cable news lately? The Tea Baggers are everywhere! The Tea Party is news because they’ve won a few upset primaries — but […]
Remember ‘Hottie McAwesome’?
Excellent advice from Hillbuzz: This actually reminds us a lot of how Democrats tried to use Scott Brown’s ROCKING HOT Cosmo centerfold pictures against him, thinking calling the man “a former nude model” would prevent him from being elected Senator. The Democrat playbook is to find something they think will embarrass a person, attack him […]
The Swiftboating of Christine O’Donnell (Reply to Barrett Brown)
I don’t suppose you’d be inclined to explain the process by which you determined that O’Donnell’s own account of her dabbling in witchcraft constitutes a “smear.” Does “smear” mean something different in Confederate talk than it does in American English? — e-mail from Barrett Brown “Smear” describes the intention of the actor as much as […]
Yeah, About That Day Trip. . .
by Smitty I took the car in for an oil change Thursday. This 2002 PT Cruiser’s got 121k miles. It’s a lovely day for a trip, just after noon, going West on I-64, almost to Lewisburg, chatting up me old college chum in Chicago, ‘Welcome to West Virginia’. . .wait, I’m slowing down, check engine, […]
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